
Code used for Oyatel OyaHero landing page/scoreboard etc. during FrontTrends 2012

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Join the Oyatel CodeHero challenge!

Even Oya Hero needs help by the good citizens of the world

The Task

The challenge [should you choose to accept it], is to:

Fork our oya hero project on GitHub, code your improvements, and then notify us with a single "pull request" of your changes on or before the 21th of June.

What's in it for Me?

  • The owner of the best code improvements will win a weekend trip to Norway.
  • Looking for work in a cool place? Your code might be a great way to get our attention!
  • You might learn something new based on what we already have (nodejs, backbone etc.)
  • An excuse for more caffeine

What's considered an Improvement?

We won't set any limits to what you can do. If you think that changing the landing page to all black/white is a great idea, go ahead and do it, we won't stop you.

Here's some tips if you have no idea where to start:

  1. Improve the performance of the site (e.g. using some smart stuff for the parallax effect)
  2. Applying better RESTfullness with proper use of HATEOAS
  3. Apply responsive principles to render the site better on mobile/ipad/desktop.

How will you pick the winner?

The winner will be picked based on our team's subjective opinion on what's the best contribution in terms of both value of improvement and the quality of the code.

  • If your code is awesome, the value of the improvement can be low,
  • If your code sucks, the value of the improvement must be high,
  • If you rock in both, you are a genious!

Running the code

You will need a working installation of nodejs and mongodb before continuing. If you just want to work with the HTML/FrontEnd stuff, most stuff should work by just opening public/index.html

Install node modules

npm install

Start mongod

mkdir ./db mongod --dbpath ./db/

Run node

node app