We needed a code to displays photo library on HTML page. That gets thumbnail of arbitrary sizes, works on multiple platforms, and is fast.
So here it is.
- Displays photo gallery as web page, and not as native screen.
- Works on Android, iOS and browser (cordova serve).
- Fast - does not do base64 and uses browser cache.
- On device, provides custom schema to access thumbnails: cdvphotolibrary://thumbnail?fileid=xxx&width=128&height=128&quality=0.5 .
- Can save photos (jpg, png, animated gifs) and videos to specified album on device.
- Handles permissions.
- On iOS, written in Swift and not Objective-C.
Work in progress
Contributions are welcome.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-photo-library --variable PHOTO_LIBRARY_USAGE_DESCRIPTION="To choose photos" --save
Add cdvphotolibrary protocol to Content-Security-Policy, like this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: https://ssl.gstatic.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data: blob: cdvphotolibrary:">
function (library) {
// Here we have the library as array
library.forEach(function(libraryItem) {
console.log(libraryItem.id); // Id of the photo
console.log(libraryItem.photoURL); // Cross-platform access to photo
console.log(libraryItem.thumbnailURL);// Cross-platform access to thumbnail
console.log(libraryItem.nativeURL); // Do not use, as it is not accessible on all platforms
function (err) {
console.log('Error occured');
thumbnailWidth: 512,
thumbnailHeight: 384,
quality: 0.8
This method is fast, as thumbails will be generated on demand.
var url = 'file:///...'; // url can also be dataURL, but giving it a file path is much faster
var album = 'MyAppName';
cordova.plugins.photoLibrary.saveImage(url, album, function () {}, function (err) {});
// iOS quirks: video provided cannot be .webm . Use .mov or .mp4 .
cordova.plugins.photoLibrary.saveVideo(url, album, function () {}, function (err) {});
The library handles tricky parts of aquiring permissions to photo library.
If any of methods fail because lack of permissions, error string will be returned that begins with 'Permission'. So, to process on aquiring permissions, do the following:
function (library) { },
function (err) {
if (err.startsWith('Permission')) {
// call requestAuthorization, and retry
// Handle error - it's not permission-related
requestAuthorization is cross-platform method, that works in following way:
- on android, will ask user to allow access to storage
- on ios, will open setting page of your app, where user should enable access to Photos
function () {
// User gave us permission to his library, retry reading it!
function (err) {
// User denied the access
}, // if options not provided, defaults to {read: true}.
read: true,
write: true
In addition you can ask thumbnail or full image for each photo separately, as cross-platform url or as blob
// Use this method to get url. It's better to use it and not directly access cdvphotolibrary://, as it will also work on browser.
libraryItem, // or libraryItem.id
function (thumbnailURL) {
image.src = thumbnailURL;
function (err) {
console.log('Error occured');
thumbnailWidth: 512,
thumbnailHeight: 384,
quality: 0.8
libraryItem, // or libraryItem.id
function (photoURL) {
image.src = photoURL;
function (err) {
console.log('Error occured');
// This method is slower as it does base64
libraryItem, // or libraryItem.id
function (thumbnailBlob) {
function (err) {
console.log('Error occured');
thumbnailWidth: 512,
thumbnailHeight: 384,
quality: 0.8
// This method is slower as it does base64
libraryItem, // or libraryItem.id
function (fullPhotoBlob) {
function (err) {
console.log('Error occured');
TypeScript definitions are provided in PhotoLibrary.d.ts
- iOS: Bug: It seems to ignore png files.
- iOS: PHImageContentMode.AspectFill returns images that larger than requested. Perform manual resizing.
- iOS: it seems regex causes slowdown with dataURL, and (possibly) uses too much memory - check how to do regex on iOS better.
- iOS: should take into account image rotation.
- Browser platform: Separate to multiple files.
- Browser platform: Compile plugin with webpack.
- Android: caching mechanism like this one can be helpful.
- Add unit tests.
- Implement save protocol with HTTP POST, so no base64 transformation will be needed for saving.
- Browser - implement saving to folder.
- saveImage and saveVideo should return saved libraryItem.
- Improve documentation.
Parts are based on
- https://github.com/subitolabs/cordova-gallery-api
- https://github.com/SuryaL/cordova-gallery-api
- https://github.com/ryouaki/Cordova-Plugin-Photos
- https://github.com/devgeeks/Canvas2ImagePlugin
https://developer.android.com/reference/org/json/JSONObject.html https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.Images.Media.html https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.html https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/BitmapFactory.Options.html https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/ThumbnailUtils.html