
Products data management as HTML5 Web App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Products data management as HTML5 Web App

This is a basic business-oriented application which catalogues products and divides them into categories. Those categories as well as the products can be created, updated and deleted. In addition to this typical CRUD approach, there are other standard tasks that will be handled: internationalization, validation of input and controlling the application via the keyboard. One of the most important aspects of the app is that it will use HTML5 local storage in order to allow offline editing.

Running the App

There are two possibilities to run the backend.


If you have Sinatra installed you can simply run the app with the following command:

ruby lib/proxy.rb


If you prefer to run the app with ASP.NET MVC3 you have to have the following prerequisites:

* SQL Server Express
* ASP.NET MVC3 with the latest Tools update

Setup karhu to run in the ASP.NET Backend

First thing to do is to install Entity Framework 4.1 via nuget. To do this just open the package manager console and type

install-package EntityFramework. 

To use the Karhu client with this backend please copy the contents of the public folder into the Karhu.Backend project in Visual Studio 2010. Ensure that index.html and config.js is in the root of Karhu.Backend and the subdirectories

* css
* images
* js
* locales
* templates
* vendor

are in place. Then just simply execute the application by starting in debug mode and you should have a running copy of Karhu with appropriate .NET backend.

More information is written down in todo.html in the Karhu.Backend directory.


  • Install Cucumber and Jasmine Gems
  • Run
    • rake for all tests
    • rake cucumber for acceptance tests
    • rake jasmine:ci for unit tests
  • Note: testapp.rb is the ruby backend used for the acceptance tests.


The app is built upon Sammy.js and the master branch is the most current and productive one. There is however a backbone_js branch which implements some of the functionality with Backbone.js.



GET /categories
GET /categories/1
POST /categories - expect created object back
PUT /categories/1 - expect updated object back
DELETE /categories/1

Category {
  id: "1234",
  name: "Kategorie 1",
  description: "Die erste Kategorie"


GET /products
GET /products/1
POST /products - expect created object back
PUT /products/1 - expect updated object back
DELETE /products/1

Product {
  id: "5678",
  name: "Product1",
  description: "Beschreibung hier",
  unit_price: "232,00",
  valid_to: "20.12.2012",
  category_id: "1234"



GET /products?page=1&per_page=5


  current_page: 1,
  total_pages: 2,
  total_entries: 7,
  per_page: 5,
  values: [{product1}, {product2}, ...]


GET /products?sort=description


GET /products?filter=Strawberry



Thank you!