
Run the application

locally without docker

Make sure that you have node and npm installed =)

npm i

After that just run

npm run start

if you have docker

Just run

docker-compose up -d

To access the swagger enter on http://localhost:3000/swagger

Testing the application

All test units and integration

npm run test

Rational used

For this project I didn't persist it with a relational database, in point of view this is a way to perform without it, just using the in-memory database. To get the application abstraction I prefer to put all the core on the domain layer as one of the best practice over the DDD (Domain Driven Design) this is one of the best way to get rich domain that you can change all the framework and you are guaranteed that the domain business core is not anemic and tightly coupled with any framework.

Folder Structure

This are folders that are outside of the framework

   |- contracts // All the AJV contracts separed of the controller
   |- domains // The heart of the application
   |- exceptions // All exceptions for better control

An interesting thing on this project

In this project I liked too much to make the domain class DecksCard.ts and the method makeCards has the 𝑂(𝑛²) cause the suits enumeration segmentation. I took the liberty of creating an endpoint to shuffle, hehehe 🤓

If you would like to talk about it

Ernandes Leite de Almeida Guedes 😉 🤘


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