- Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas - The Pragmatic Programmer
- Robert C. Martin - The Clean Coder
- Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler, Andy Hunt
- The Ruby Way
- Getting Real
- Rails Guides
- Rails API
- Ruby Core Reference
- Awesome Ruby - curated list of Ruby/Rails resources
- Learn to Program - Chris Pine
- Daniel Kehoe - Learn Ruby on Rails
- Michael Hartl - Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- Dave Hoover, Adewale Oshineye - Apprenticeship Patterns
- Tealeaf Academy - Introduction to Programming with Ruby
- The Rails 4 Way - Obie Fernandez
- Agile Web Development with Rails 4 - Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, DHH
- Crafting Rails 4 Applications - José Valim
- Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby - Sandi Metz
- Metaprogramming Ruby 2 - Paolo Perrotta
- Pro GIT - Scott Chacon
- Coursera - Become a Rails Developer - not for absolute beginners in programming, but covers all the basics, and it's well done.
- Treehouse - tutorials for beginners and advanced beginners
- Introduction to Computer Science - self-paced intro to CS
- Codecademy Ruby track
- Engineering Software as a Service - intro to web development in Rails
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python - intro to CS
- Udacity - Intro to Computer Science - learn CS by building a search engine
- Udacity - Web Development - build a blog
- Ruby Programming - Pragmatic Studio
- Rails for Zombies
- Upcase - Screencasts and training for intermediate to advanced developers
- The Ruby Rogues - start with episode 131 - How to Learn
- Ruby 5
- CodeNewbie
- The Bike Shed - specific discussions about web development