
Event-Driven CD in Spiking Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePython

# File Name : README.py
# Purpose: README file
# Author: Emre Neftci
# Creation Date : 27-06-2014
# Last Modified : 
# Copyright : (c) UCSD, Emre Neftci, Srinjoy Das, Bruno Pedroni, Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado, Gert Cauwenberghs
# Licence : GPLv2

Python pre-requisites
-Brian (http://briansimulator.org/) version 1.4.0 WARNING: incompatible with version 1.4.3!
-Numpy (http://www.numpy.org/)
-Matplotlib (http://matplotlib.org/)

For kldivergence.py only:
-neuro_kl (https://github.com/pberkes/neuro-kl)

Other pre-requisites:
- git (http://git-scm.com/)

Installation steps

>>> git clone  http://github.com/eneftci/eCD

Running the scripts

The scripts in the experiments directory generate the data necessary for the figures in the paper "Event-driven Constrastive Divergence for Spiking Neuromorphic Systems".

calibrate.py: Calibrates the parameters of the sigmoid function by fitting the parameters gamma and beta to the transfer function of the IF neuron (Fig. 2)

Tests recognition accuracy on the entire MNIST test-set 

Same as above but discretizes parameter to finite precision.

Main script for training the RBM using eCD

Generates (panels for Fig. 7) from a pre-trained RBM showing the convergence of the eCD rule. 

Generates data for Fig. 9

The following files run the RBM + eCD (CD) on MNIST data, they can be ran directly, but are primarily intended to be used through the previously described scripts.

MNIST_IF_STDP.py: Script containing the main functions for training the Integrate and Fire neuron based RBM using event-driven CD
    MNIST_IF_STDP_SEQ.py: Same as above, but with modification for plotting purposes in demonstrate_generative_model.py
    MNIST_IF_STDP_WMON.py: Same as above, but with modification for plotting purposes in convergence.py
MNIST_SRM_STDP.py: Similar to above but using the ideal transfer curve (i.e. the Spike Response Model)
MNIST_SRM_RATE.py: Similar to above, but using standard CD and the ideal transfer curve (i.e. the Spike Response Model)

parameters_*.py: These files contain parameters used for the experiments scripts 

File permissions convention
Files that are designed to run standalone (with a if __name__ == '__main__' statement) have executable permissions, the others do not.

Remarks about customization
The neuron models are specified in neusa/experimentLib.py