
Mooml is a javascript templating engine for HTML generation, based in Jaml and powered by Mootools.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mooml is a javascript templating engine that lets you build html from Javascript using a very nice and clean syntax taking advantage of the power of Mootools. Mooml creates the actual dom elements in the template, returning a single element if the template has one root or an array of elements if there are multiple roots.

Templates can be defined in multiple ways:

  • global templates with Mooml.register()
  • local templates inside a class instance with this.registerTemplate()
  • on the fly with new Mooml.Template
  • embeded in the HTML DOM as <script type="text/mooml">


How to use

Creating Mooml templates is very easy:

Mooml.register('mytemplate', function() {
    div({id: 'mydivid'},
        p('Lorem Ipsum'),
        p(a({ href: 'http://example.com' }, 'click here'))

On the fly:

var template = new Mooml.Template('mytemplate', function() {
    div({id: 'mydivid'},
        p('Lorem Ipsum'),
        p(a({ href: 'http://example.com' }, 'click here'))

In the DOM:

<script type="text/mooml" name="mytemplate">
    div({id: 'mydivid'},
        p('Lorem Ipsum'),
        p(a({ href: 'http://example.com' }, 'click here'))

All of the above templates will generate the following HTML structure, creating the dom elements for you. The first and third methods will register the template globally while the second one wont:

<div id="mydivid">
    <p>Lorem Ipsum</p>
    <p><a href="http://example.com">click here</a></p>

To render the template and generate the dom elements:

var el = Mooml.render('mytemplate');
var el = template.render();

Passing variables to a template can be done easily too:

Mooml.register('mytemplate', function(params) {
    div({id: params.myDivId}
        // more code here
var el = Mooml.render('mytemplate', { myDivId: 'newid' });

DOM defined templates have the default parameters data & index, so it's equivalent to:

Mooml.register('mytemplate', function(data, index) {
    // template code

Rendering template arrays

Mooml allows rendering template arrays. This is, if we pass an array of data to the render function, it will render the template N times. This is very useful when rendering list elements, table rows, or any other repetitive html layout:

var elements = Mooml.render('mytemplate', [
    { myDivId: 'div1' },
    { myDivId: 'div2' },
    { myDivId: 'div3' }

Will generate:

<div id="div1"></div>
<div id="div2"></div>
<div id="div3"></div>

Evaluating templates on the fly

Evaluating templates on the fly can be done by creating a template with the Mooml.Template constructor, although the evaluate step is redundant since the template it self contains a render function:

var template = new Mooml.Template('mytemplate', function() {
    div('Template on the fly');
// Both of these calls return the same result:
Mooml.evaluate(template); // returns <div>Template on the fly</div>
template.render(); // returns <div>Template on the fly</div>

Globalizing Mooml

Since version 1.1, if you wish to globalize Mooml you need to download and include mooml-globalize.js in your project, after including mooml.js. This will make all Mooml engine template tag functions available at the window scope.

With mooml-globalize.js we can do this:

var mydiv = div(options); // Same options as Mootools new Element()

Mooml globalized functions can also have nested elements, which makes very easy to create dom elements:

var mydiv = div(options, 
    p('First paragraph'),
    p('Second paragraph'),
    div('Nested div:',
        span('div content')
    'Some <b>inline</b> <em>html</em> too'

Please be aware that using Mooml globalized feature will pollute the window object scope, overriding any methods with the same name and/or possibly conflicting with other javascript libraries.

Do not want to globalize? Still can run Mooml inline

Mooml can be used directly inline to create dom elements:

var mydiv = Mooml.engine.tags.div({id:'mydiv'}, 'Inline div');

Better yet, you can build elements with children like this:

var el;
with (Mooml.engine.tags) {
    el = div({id:'mydiv',
        p('one paragraph'),
        p('another paragraph'),
        input({name:'email', type:'text', defaultValue:'test@example.com'})

Differences between Mooml and Jaml

Mooml is based in Jaml, but it has some differences:

  • Mooml code takes advantage of Mootools using classes, elements, etc
  • Mooml does not return text as Jaml. Instead, it creates the dom elements in the template
  • Mooml alows passing css in json format and events, like Mootools Element.set function does