
Fastsam inference based on C++ TensorRT

Primary LanguagePython

Fast Segment Anything

[📕Paper] [🤗HuggingFace Demo] [Colab demo] [Replicate demo & API] [Model Zoo] [BibTeX]

FastSAM Speed

The Fast Segment Anything Model(FastSAM) is a CNN Segment Anything Model trained by only 2% of the SA-1B dataset published by SAM authors. The FastSAM achieve a comparable performance with the SAM method at 50× higher run-time speed.

FastSAM design

🍇 Refer from

Original : https://github.com/CASIA-IVA-Lab/FastSAM

model conversion : https://github.com/ChuRuaNh0/FastSam_Awsome_TensorRT

Export ONNX

    # You can re-config pt2onnx.sh
    bash pt2onnx.sh
    python pt2onnx.py

ONNX Convert TRT

    bash onnx2trt.sh

It is recommended to install tensorRT in advance

TensorRT Inference

In CMakeLists.txt line 24~26 , please modify the tensorRT path as required

    # TensorRT
    set(TensorRT_INCLUDE_DIRS /home/xxx/TensorRT-
    set(TensorRT_LIBRARIES /home/xxx/TensorRT-

Then terminal execute

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j8
    cd bin
    ./fastsam_test -m /home/sp/projects/fastsam/models/fast_sam_x.engine \
                    -i /home/sp/projects/fastsam/images/cat.jpg \
                    -s /home/sp/projects/fastsam/outputs/obj.png