Spring boot Campaign Api
RestFul Service uses following Technologies:
- Spring-boot
- Hibernate,JPA
- JaCoCo
- H2 DB
- Swagger2
On initial all command as listed below will be executed and write log to the console
- create_product 1 100 1000
- get_product_info 1
- create_order 1 100
- create_campaign NS 1 10 20 100
- increase_time 2
- get_campaign_info NS
Use swagger to run commands Whether file or direct commands as above
use file format as "commands.hb" with named under the resource folder to upload new steps
file name must be "file"
Run commands separately under command-controller like "get_product_info 1" as string command
Run mvn clean install
Run spring-boot-run.
Run mvn clean verify
To get more look at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/