VBT Stuff


Purpose of this repo is to test out a project structure, development processes and workflows to determine the template which best suits our day-to-day needs in the agency - one can expect breaking changes will be introduced until we work out the kinks


  1. Change the name of the project in package.json
  2. Run git config core.hooksPath .githooks to set pre-commit hooks (yarn lint and yarn format)
  3. Update CODEOWNERS file accordingly (with project leads)

Release Management

Idea behind this setup is to automate as much workflow as possible, while trying to reduce human error to minimum. Releasing, tagging and changelog updates are done via Git Actions when push to master occurs. Outcome is determined by comparing closed Pull Requests that have happened since last tag was made. Some defaults are implemented, but can be further fine-tuned by leveraging PR label mechanism.

Tagging and Releasing

  • Based on Semver
  • Flexible version bumping scheme with a project default or overrides using Pull Request Labels
  • Creates Release Notes automatically (with a list of commits since the last release)
  • PR labels release:major, release:minor and release:patch determine the Semver version bump (major.minor.patch)
  • Closed PR's since last Tag are used for consideration
  • default is release:minor

Workflow examples:

      v1.0.0     v1.1.0                   v1.1.1
       |          |                        |
- - ---o----------o------------------------o     master branch
                   \                      /
                    \                    /    PR [release:patch]
                     \                  /
                      o--------o-------o     bug-fix-branch
      v1.0.0     v1.1.0                                         v2.0.0
       |          |                                              |
- - ---o----------o----------------------------------------------o     master branch
                   \                                            /
                    \                                          /     merge ** // see footnote
                     \                                        /
                      o------------o-------------------------o     feature-foo
                       \          /                         /
                        \        /  PR [release:patch]     /
                         \      /                         /
                          o----o  feature-foo-1          /
                           \                            /
                            \                          /     PR [release:major]
                             \                        /
                              o----------------------o     feature-foo-2

** merge - since all the PR's are used for consideration, the one made to commit code to master would also be used (with no labels applied, default [minor] would be used which could influence the final outcome)

Changelog Generator

  • based on Github Changelog Generator
  • Generates a changelog file based on tags, issues and merged pull requests (and splits them into separate lists according to labels)
  • Labels bug, enhancement and documentation are used to sort changes in sections, others are grouped together

Workflow example:

      v1.0.0     v1.1.0                                                     v2.0.0
       |          |                                                          |
- - ---o----------o----------------------------------------------------------o     master branch
                   \                                                        /
                    \                                                      /
                     \                                                    /
                      o------------o-------------------------------------o     feature-foo
                       \          /                                     /
                        \        /  PR [release:minor enhancement]     /
                         \      /                                     /
                          o----o  feature-foo-1                      /
                           \                                        /
                            \                                      /     PR [release:major bug]
                             \                                    /
                              o----------------------------------o     feature-foo-2
v2.0.0 (2020-08-17)
Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

feature-foo-1 #1 (tiborkr)

Fixed bugs:

feature-foo-2 #2 (tiborkr)

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.

The app uses Reagent, a minimalistic interface between ClojureScript and React.
You can use existing npm React components directly via a interop call.

Builds use Shadow CLJS for maximum compatibility with NPM libraries. You'll need a Java SDK (Version 8+, Hotspot) to use it.
You can import npm libraries using Shadow CLJS. See the user manual for more information.

yarn cards

Runs the interactive live development enviroment.
You can use it to design, test, and think about parts of your app in isolation.

Use http://localhost:3000/workspaces.html to inspect.

This environment uses Workspaces and React Testing Library.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the public folder.
It correctly bundles all code and optimizes the build for the best performance.

Your app is ready to be deployed!

Other useful scripts

null and yarn e2e

You can use null to run tests a single time, and yarn e2e to run the end-to-end test app. yarn test launches tests in interactive watch mode.

See the ClojureScript testing page for more information. E2E tests use Taiko to interact with a headless browser.

yarn lint and yarn format

yarn lint checks the code for known bad code patterns using clj-kondo.

yarn format will format your code in a consistent manner using zprint-clj.

yarn report

Make a report of what files contribute to your app size.
Consider code-splitting or using smaller libraries to make your app load faster.

yarn server

Starts a Shadow CLJS background server.
This will speed up starting time for other commands that use Shadow CLJS.

Useful resources

Clojurians Slack http://clojurians.net/.

CLJS FAQ (for JavaScript developers) https://clojurescript.org/guides/faq-js.

Official CLJS API https://cljs.github.io/api/.

Quick reference https://cljs.info/cheatsheet/.

Offline searchable docs https://devdocs.io/.

VSCode plugin https://github.com/BetterThanTomorrow/calva.

This project was bootstrapped with Create CLJS App.