Movie Recommendation App

Movie recommendation app using users ratings. Dataset from MovieLens used to compare users ratings.


  • User registry and login system.

  • Rate top movies made after 1980 to increase the likelihood that users will know the movie.
  • Rate by using stars.
  • Option to not rate a movie if not watched.
  • Press the name to go to the IMDb page of the movie.

  • 10 movie recommendation after ratings.
  • Go to IMDb page of the movie by pressing the name of it.


  • Register and login.
  • Press "Rate" button and rate the movies you watched until you are satisfied.
  • You can press the name of the movie to see the IMDb page.
  • When you are done rating, press the "Refresh" button to see your 10 recommended movies.
  • Press any of the names for seeing the IMDb page.

Cosine similarity is used for the recommendation algorithm.
JSON is used to storing user information.
FXML and SceneBuilder used for the frontend.

Dataset for education and development from MovieLens
MovieLens Dataset