RFM Customer Segmentation

● Business Problem

• An e-commerce company segments its customers and wants to determine marketing strategies according to segments.

• Customer segments with common behaviors income increase of doing marketing studies in particular thinks it will.

• E.g: Retaining customers that are very lucrative for the company different campaigns for new customers. campaigns are requested.

• Segment customers with the RFM method.

● Dataset Story

• The dataset named Online Retail II includes the sales of an UK-based online store between 01/12/2009 - 09/12/2011.

• This company houses souvenirs.The vast majority of the company's customers are corporate customers.

● Variables

▶InvoiceNo: Invoice Number
-If this code starts with C, it means that the operation has been cancelled.

▶Quantity: Number of Products
-It expresses how many of the products on the invoices have been sold.

▶ StockCode: Product Code
-Unique number for each product.

▶Description: Product Name

▶InvoiceDate: Invoice Date

▶UnitPrice: Invoice Price (Sterling)

▶CustomerID: Unique Customer Number

▶Country: Country Name