You can finde a demo here and the code here.
Little an simple gui library for Rust inspired by react. gui and uses nanovg as default backend library for rendering. More information can be found in the docs.
Everything should be abstracted into the widget api including all drawing-operations. This allows to switch the backend without changing the api. Aditionaly it simplifyes the usage of the api because there are only some widgets you should know about and not more.
it should normaly compile with cargo build
if not follow the instructions for
nanovg which could be the reason why failed.
random thoughts not jet implemented
idea with animation
let animated = Animation::new(component, |c, x|{
c.x = x;
c.y = y;
}, Linear);
c.add(1, animated);
this means to just use a wrapper component which takes the component which should be animated and manages the state of the animation. on every tick event it calls the clusure modifying the component with the current paramer.
The context handles the style if a element is not styled the values returned from style are the default values. If there is something specified, this style will be applied to the component if not overridden. This way each component can be easily styled. Later in the process I might develop a small css like style language to make styling applications as easy as styling html.
let b = Button{"agree")
c.add(1, b);
this is not jet implemented and might change
pattern | description |
[...] |
container for child nodes |
{...} |
indicates some code for this context |
` | $event:ident |
$name:ident(...) |
a new widget |
//handle the events here
widget! Button(
text: &str = "",
icon: Option<Icon> = None,
x: 10
y: 100
text: "test"
x: 100
y: 10
text: "wer auch immer"
- make component system work
- build some basic components
- layout
- create macros for easier interaction
- animation
- caching
- state management
- theming
ctx.add(1, |default| animation(Mode::Linear, 0..100, |x| Button{ width: x ,..default })
pub enum TimingFunction{
All styles and some other configuration is provided by dependency injecten. This is implemented with a map that contains the TypeId as key and a value as Rc. The components can get the value by calling ctx.get(). This way config parameters can be passed. you can also config this context for child nodes by calling the appropriet setter.