
Asynchron javascript templates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Java CI with Maven



Speed up your website using asynchron rest calls in javascript templates

Templateengine for asynchrouneus JSON requests.

Including into Website

Including the asjst is easy, just include this line anywhere in the header-section of the website. <script src="js/asjst.js"></script>


Framework Compatibility Hints
Npm jade Yes Check indention

Accessing via Servlet

Since Servet specification 3.0 we could access the asjst.js via java-classpath. Requirement is a servlet-3.0 container and the web.xml-File having at least version 3.0 like this:

<web-app version="3.0"> ... </web-app> 


Access JSON-Values

   <script id="foobar" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
   <button onclick="
      asjst.render( 'foobar', 
              function (htmlIncomming) {
                alert(htmlIncomming); // alerts 'hello'


This is easy too, just like this

   <script id="foobar" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
{{for peoples}}
   <button onclick="
      asjst.render( 'foobar', 
              function (htmlIncomming) {
                alert(htmlIncomming); // alerts 'Mike Marry'

If, else, elseif and endif

The classic If/else/endifs:

   <script id="foobar" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
   {{if age <= 12}}
   {{else if age <=18}}
   Young person
   {{else if age <= 24}}
   <button onclick="
      render( 'foobar', 
              {age: 19}, 
              function (htmlIncomming) {
                alert(htmlIncomming); // alerts  'Youngster'

Load (Async)

Loading asynchroneus requests like this:

   <script id="foobar" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
{{load 'http://www.example.de/rest/abc.json'}}
  I am
   <button onclick="
      asjst.render( 'foobar', 
              function (htmlIncomming) {
                alert(htmlIncomming); // alerts 'I am available!' on code 200 only.


Import also works, but be warned: Its hard to debug imports because the linenumbers differ between two different script-tags. Import actually do a hard-import and linenumbers are interpreted as in the original script-tag.

   <script id="head" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
   <script id="foot" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
   <script id="main" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
     {{import head}}
     {{import foot}}
   <button onclick="
      asjst.render( 'main', 
              function (htmlIncomming) {
                alert(htmlIncomming); // alerts 'MyHead MyFoot'

<script> Tags

Tag Meaning Default Exmaple More informations
id The ID of the script-tag, must be unique. Missing by default id="myTemplate" This is HTML-Standard
type The type of the contents, used to identify the intend of technical usage Missing by default type="text/asjst" This is HTML-Standard, we do not special check for the value, asjst will render everything.
relative For debug purpose only, while executing its possible to get a Stacktrace, this stacktrace contains linenumbers, to find the correct script-line for the error you have to declare the line, the opening-tag of the Script-Tag 0 relative="65" This is a special attribute and will may be marked as invalid, anyway it may not be helpfull in production-environment. The default-value is wrong in every likelihood.
throws For debug purpose only, the resulting javascript for the template is not executed and is thrown to the console to identify illegal javascript syntax. Missing by default throws="sure" This is a special attribute and will may be marked as invalid, anyway it is prohibited in production environment. The pure existence of the attribute guides the engine to throw a exception, no matter what value it has.


A list of variables used by asjst helps in compatiblity-reasons, they are defined directly under the global variable asjst.

Variable Name Meaning Default value Example Hints
asjstDbg Debug using the console false asjstDbg=true True means that the script parses bitchy and kill as soon as possible if something is not "perfect".
varlbl The variable-name of the buffer for the template. crdxf varlbl="alternate" You must change the variable-name if a field in the json is like this name, otherwise, keep the name as it is.
indexVar The variable name of the index-variable in for-loops. index indexVar="alterIndex" {{for list}} index is {{alterIndex}} {{/for}} If a field in the list has the name "index", the fieldname is favored and the index-variable containing the index of the loop is not accessible anymore.
evenVar The name of the variable used to identify if a loop-cycle is even and not odd. even {{for list}} {{even?'even':'odd'}} {{/for}} If a field in the list has the name "even", the fieldname is favored and the even-variable containing the value to be a even cycle is not accessible anymore.
oddVar The name of the variable used to identify if a loop-cycle is odd and not even. odd {{for list}} {{odd?'odd':'even'}} {{/for}} If a field in the list has the name "odd", the fieldname is favored and the odd-variable containing the value to be a odd cycle is not accessible anymore.
ajaxOptions The options to be used by default for ajax-operations. {} {crossDomain:true} url, contentType, processData, dataType, error, success are set by asjst you can override the values here, but take care: to override url is not the best idea.
spf/epf The joker-marker to find replaceables (start placeholder function/ end placeholder function) 🎸/🎻 {{import ticktack}}🎸1🎻 Every import and load will create placeholders having an index surrouded by spf/epf;


This section has been added because of further requirements. They are not an extension to the existing library!

Create variables

By default a new variable without a scope is not possible by the framework. By tricky using {{for}} we can refer the contents of a variable to a new scope.

   {{for [base:2, exponent:2]}}
     {{base ^ exponent}}


Templating is not a core functionality of the library but it is possible to template by using a tricky combination of {{for}} and {{load}}. Assuming we like to load a json to a reusable scope of html, we can do it like this:

   <script id="loadtable" type="text/asjstOrWhatever">
     {{load url}}
          {{for it}}
              {{for [{jsonRow:it, cols:cols}]}}
                {{for cols}}
   {{for [{url: 'http://localhost/teachers', cols:['firstname','lastname']}]
     {{import loadtable}}