
Readme Template - Credits to brayandiazc

Title of the project

Self-explanatory name of the project, with a short description.


More detailed and technical description of the project


Images that convey metadata, for example if all the tests are passing or not in the project.


Screenshots, videos or GIFs of the project.

Starting πŸš€

Instructions to obtain a copy of the project and implement it on a local machine for development and testing.

Pre-requisites πŸ“‹

Dependencies to run the project:

  • Operating system Ver. XXXX
  • Programming language Ver. XXXX
  • Framework and its version Ver. XXXX
  • Database Ver. XXXX
  • etc

Installation πŸ”§

Steps to install and run the project locally

step 1

And repeat

step 2

Running the tests βš™οΈ

Description of how to run the tests:

give an example

Analyze end-to-end tests πŸ”©

Explain the reasons for the tests, what they verify and how to interpret the results

Coding style tests ⌨️

Description of style tests

give an example

Deployment πŸ“¦

Description of how to bring the project to production

Built with πŸ› οΈ

Tools used to create the project

Contribute πŸ–‡οΈ

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details of our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.

Wiki πŸ“–

Find more information on how to use it in Wiki


Ways to get help:

  • Forum
  • Email
  • Group


Ideas for future versions.

Versioning πŸ“Œ

Version control system Git. For all available versions, check out the tags in this repository.

Authors βœ’οΈ

People who have contributed to the project:

You can also look at the list of all contributors who have participated in this project.

License πŸ“„

This project is under the License (Your License) - see the file [LICENSE.md] (LICENSE.md) for details

Expressions of Gratitude 🎁

This readme file is developed using as reference the following projects:

⌨️ with ❀️ by Brayan Diaz C 😊