Fearless recursion in Clojure!
The JVM puts a hard limit on how deep our functions can recurse without blowing the stack:
;; Ex. 1
;; =====
(defn unsafe-factorial [n]
(if (< n 2)
(*' n (unsafe-factorial (dec n)))))
(unsafe-factorial 5000)
;; => StackOverflowError clojure.lang.Numbers.lt (Numbers.java:3816)
This is a very simple example, and the fn can be defined in a tail-recursive manner to avoid this issue, but we are not always this lucky! Consider:
;; Ex. 2
;; =====
(defn unsafe-ackermann [m n]
(cond (zero? m) (inc n)
(zero? n) (unsafe-ackermann (dec m) 1)
:else (unsafe-ackermann (dec m) (unsafe-ackermann m (dec n)))))
(unsafe-ackermann 3 10)
;; => StackOverflowError clojure.lang.Numbers$LongOps.inc (Numbers.java:545)
Try converting the above to use tail recursion - possible, but not trivial.
... and then there are mutually-recursive functions:
;; Ex. 3
;; =====
(declare is-even?)
(defn is-odd? [n]
(if (zero? n)
(is-even? (dec n))))
(defn is-even? [n]
(if (zero? n)
(is-odd? (dec n))))
(is-even? 10000)
;; => StackOverflowError clojure.lang.Numbers$LongOps.isZero (Numbers.java:443)
Clojure's recur
form doesn't help us here, so we generally end up using a trampoline.
Is there a general way to recurse safely (ie without blowing up the stack) in all these cases, and without changing the structure of our code?
Leiningen: [xodarap "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
(use 'xodarap.core)
;; Ex. 1
;; =====
(defrec factorial [n]
(if (< n 2)
(*' n (rec (factorial (dec n))))))
(factorial 5000)
;; => 4228577926605543522201064200233584405390...
Here, we define a safe recursive factorial fn using the defrec
form. Note that the
recursive call to itself is wrapped in a rec
;; Ex. 2
;; =====
(defrec ackermann [m n]
(cond (zero? m) (inc n)
(zero? n) (rec (ackermann (dec m) 1))
:else (rec (ackermann (dec m) (rec (ackermann m (dec n)))))))
(ackermann 3 10)
;; => 8189 (after a long pause)
We can crack tougher nuts using the same method.
;; Ex. 3
;; =====
(declarec EVEN?)
(defrec ODD? [n]
(if (zero? n)
(rec (EVEN? (dec n)))))
(defrec EVEN? [n]
(if (zero? n)
(rec (ODD? (dec n)))))
(EVEN? 10000)
;; => true
Along with defrec
and rec
, we also use declarec
in this example.
Copyright © 2018 Divyansh Prakash
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.