

urlShortener is a web application that allows users to shorten long URLs to make them easier to share or manage. The application is built with Ruby on Rails and incorporates Tailwind CSS for styling, ensuring a responsive and modern user interface.


  • Ruby 2.7.6
  • Rails 6.0.6
  • PostgreSQL for the database
  • Puma as the app server
  • Foreman for managing multiple processes
  • Node.js and Yarn (for Webpacker and Tailwind CSS)

This project also uses several gems for enhanced functionality:

  • webpacker for managing JavaScript code
  • turbolinks for faster navigation
  • jbuilder for JSON APIs
  • sass-rails for SCSS stylesheets
  • tailwindcss-rails for integrating Tailwind CSS


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/eng-adan/urlShortener.git
cd urlShortener

Install dependencies

Install Ruby and Node.js dependencies:

bundle install
yarn install

Database setup

Create and migrate your database:

rails db:create db:migrate

Start the server using Foreman

Install Foreman globally if you haven't already:

gem install foreman

Then start your application:

foreman start -f Procfile.dev

Foreman will start all processes defined in your Procfile.dev, including the Rails server and any webpack compilation for Tailwind CSS, ensuring that your application is fully operational.


After starting the application, visit http://localhost:3000 in your web browser to access urlShortener. The application provides a simple interface for entering long URLs and receiving a shortened version in return, which you can easily share or manage.


We welcome contributions to urlShortener! To contribute, please fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or fix. Submit a pull request with your changes, ensuring that your code adheres to the project's coding standards and includes appropriate tests.


This project is released under the MIT License.