
Library Management System is my graduation project, I have designed this project by myself from start to finish. In this project I have used C# and WPF technology, and this project was linked to a cloud database from Azure Server

Primary LanguageC#


Library Management System is my graduation project, I have designed this project by myself from start to finish. In this project I have used C# and WPF technology, and this project was linked to a cloud database from Azure Server. This project was specially designed for the central library of Taiz University, the university that I studied in Bachelor of Information Technology Engineering. In the analysis stage, i have used the manual models used in the management of the central library at Taiz University. This system adds the data of books, copies, authors and publications, and the possibility of modification to them. The project also lends a book from the library and automatically determines the loan period based on the type of borrower (student, employee, faculty member). the system also do all tasks need to manage the library.