
A bento-styled portfolio template using Astro, Solidjs, TailwindCSS, and D3.

Primary LanguageAstroMIT LicenseMIT


A personal portfolio website made using Astro.


  • Modern and Minimal bento-like, sleek UI Design
  • All in one page (almost)
  • Fully Responsive
  • Performances and SEO optimizations
  • Ready to be deployed on Vercel
  • Blog
  • RSS support (your-domain/rss.xml)
  • Cool 3d globe (with D3)

Tech Stack

Getting Started

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/engageintellect/astro-bento
# Go into the repository
$ cd astro-bento
# Install dependencies
$ pnpm install
$ npm install
# Start the project in development
$ pnpm run dev
$ npm run dev

Example Endpoint

curl http://localhost:4321/api/v1/hello.json


NOTE: REMOVE THE umami analytics script tag (or replace it with your id) in src/layouts/Layout.astro


remember to replace the site and other properties with your data in astro.config.mjs

Deploy on Vercel

Deploying your website on Vercel. it's optional but I reccomand it in order to deploy it faster and easly.

You just need to fork this repo and link it to your Vercel account.

pnpm i @astrojs/vercel
pnpm i -g vercel
$ vercel