
Vert.x 2.x Persistor Module for Tinkerpop-compatible Graph Databases

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Vert.x Tinkerpop Persistor Module

This is a simple database persistence module for graph databases that uses Tinkerpop Blueprints and Tinkerpop Gremlin to communicate to the underlying graphdb. The purpose of Tinkerpop is to abstract away vendor-specific code when connecting to the database. Thus it's purpose is similar to JDBC, but then specifically targeted to graph databases. The following is taken from the Blueprints home on Github:

Blueprints is a collection of interfaces, implementations, ouplementations, and test suites for the property graph data model. Blueprints is analogous to the JDBC, but for graph databases. As such, it provides a common set of interfaces to allow developers to plug-and-play their graph database backend. Moreover, software written atop Blueprints works over all Blueprints-enabled graph databases.

Therefore the code in this module has been tested against two separate graph database products, the well-known Neo4J and less well-known OrientDB. See the Maven POM file for version details.

The module is used in a similar way to the Mongo Persistor Module where on each message that is send the 'action' key determines the functionality to invoke.

NOTE: This module is created for the purpose of testing and experimentation with both Vert.x and graph databases, and is by no means production-ready!

Module Configuration

The configuration of the Vert.x module depends on the graph database implementation that is used. The configuration can be specified in the mod.json file. In all cases it must be included in a tinkerpopConfig object.

For Neo4J a sample configuration looks like this:

    "address" : "tinkerpop.persistor",
    "tinkerpopConfig" : {
        "blueprints.graph" : "com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.neo4j.Neo4jGraph",
        "blueprints.neo4j.directory" : "put your neo4j directory location here"

And for OrientDB it looks like this:

    "address" : "tinkerpop.persistor",
    "tinkerpopConfig" : {
        "blueprints.graph" : "com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraph",
        "blueprints.orientdb.url" : "put your database url here",
        "blueprints.orientdb.username" : "yourUser",
        "blueprints.orientdb.password" : "yourPass",
        "blueprints.orientdb.saveOriginalIds" : true,
        "blueprints.orientdb.lightweightEdges" : true

The Blueprints wiki has more information on the available configuration options for each supported database product. Additional (sometimes more up-to-date) information can be found on the vendor's website. For OrientDB the latest info can be found here at Configure the Graph.

Supported actions

The table below lists the actions that are currently supported by the module. Each action creates its own Graph to the underlying database to perform the operation. For both Neo4J and OrientDB these graphs are both transactional and have support for key indices.

NOTE: Instead of Vertex and Edge the terminology of Node and Relationship can be used interchangeably in actions if you are used to that, or find that it clashes with Vert.x :-)

Action Description
addGraph Load a complete Graph (provided in GraphSON format) in a single operation
addVertex, addNode Add a single Vertex to the graph
query Perform a Gremlin query and return the resulting Vertices or Edges
getVertices, getNodes Get all Vertices from the graph or a filtered list by key / value
getVertex, getNode Get a single Vertex from the graph
removeVertex, removeNode Remove a single Vertex from the graph
addEdge, addRelationship Add a single Edge to the graph that connects two Vertices
getEdges, getRelationships Get all Edges from the graph or a filtered list by key / value
getEdge, getRelationship Get a single Edge from the graph
removeEdge, removeRelationship Remove a single Edge from the graph
createKeyIndex Create a new Key Index for the provided key on either Vertices or Edges
dropKeyIndex Drop an existing Key Index on either Vertices or Edges
getIndexedKeys Get the list of all existing Key Indices on either Vertices or Edges
flushQueryCache Remove one or all cached Gremlin queries

Action Description

General remarks

  • Though the database may support transactions, it is not possible for a transaction to span multiple actions. Transactions are committed during or at the end of the action execution.
  • Some database products ignore Id's supplied by the user in a graph, single Vertex or Edge. In those cases the ignoresSuppliedIds feature of the Graph is `true' and Id's are generated by the database (on transaction commit).
  • Id's are defined as Object because the datatype depends on the database vendor. For example Neo4J uses Integer, while OrientDB uses String (e.g. "#9:10").


Load a complete Graph (provided in GraphSON format) in a single operation.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "addGraph",

Vert.x reply depends on the ignoresSuppliedIds feature of the Graph. If it is false then a simple ok status is returned, if `true' the reply contains the full graph as it was loaded, with the correct, database-generated Id's.

        "mode": "NORMAL",
            //... etcetera
    "status": "ok"

addVertex, addNode

Add a single Vertex to the graph. If the message contains more than one Vertex, then only the first one is actually created while the rest is ignored.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "addVertex",
    "vertices": [
            "project": "vert.x",
            "organization": "eclipse",
            "_id": "2",
            "_type": "vertex"
            "project": "mod-tinkerpop-persistor",
            "organization": "github",
            "_id": "3",
            "_type": "vertex"

Vert.x reply:

    "_id": "#6:43",
    "status": "ok"


Perform a Gremlin query and return the resulting Vertices or Edges. The current functionality allows the query to be passed as a string that is then compiled into a Pipe and (optionally) cached. Besides the query a starting Vertex or Edge must be specified by its _id. By default the queries are cached in a ConcurrentHashMap unless the cache key is false. A cached query can be flushed by providing the complete query string to the flushCachedQueries action.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "query",
    "starts": "Vertex",
    "cache": true
    "_id": "#9:10",
    "query": "_().in('HAS_CHILD_CONTENT').loop(1){it.loops < 3}{it.object.name == 'Root folder'}.path"

The Vert.x reply currently flattens the query results in a single JsonArray (which is probably not correct, but is enough for experimental use):

    "results" : 
            "name" : "User1 Home",
            "origId" : 11,
            "_id" : "#9:10",
            "_type" : "vertex"
            "name" : "Home",
             "origId" : 9,
            "_id" : "#9:8",
            "_type" : "vertex"
            "name" : "Root folder",
            "origId" : 8,
            "_id" : "#9:7",
            "_type" : "vertex"
    "status" : "ok"

getVertices, getNodes

Get all Vertices from the graph or a filtered list by key / value.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "getVertices",
    "key": "name",
    "value": "Root folder"

The Vert.x reply is in GraphSON format and includes the GraphSON mode (which defaults to NORMAL):

        "mode": "NORMAL",
                "name" : "Root folder",
                "origId" : 8,
                "_id" : "#9:7",
                "_type" : "vertex"
    "status": "ok"

getVertex, getNode

Get a single Vertex from the graph.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "getVertex",
    "_id": "#9:10"

The Vert.x reply is in GraphSON format:

        "mode": "NORMAL",
                "name" : "User1 Home",
                "origId" : 11,
                "_id" : "#9:10",
                "_type" : "vertex"
    "status": "ok"

removeVertex, removeNode

Remove a single Vertex from the graph.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "removeVertex",
    "_id": "#9:10"

Vert.x reply:

    "_id": "#9:10",
    "status": "ok"

addEdge, addRelationship

Add a single Edge to the graph that connects two Vertices. The _inV, _outV and _label keys are required.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "addEdge",
        {"_inV": 11, "_outV": 14, "flags": "+RW", "_label": "SECURITY"}

Vert.x reply:

    "_id": 17,
    "status": "ok"

getEdges, getRelationships

This is similar to getVertices action.

getEdge, getRelationship

This is similar to getVertex action.

removeEdge, removeRelationship

This is similar to removeVertex action.


Create a new Key Index for the provided key on either Vertices or Edges. The elementClass key must have a value of either Vertex or Edge. The parameters object can be omitted. Parameters are database vendor specific.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "createKeyIndex",
    "key": "name",
    "elementClass": "Vertex",
        // Optional. Look in database vendor documentation for supported parameters.

Vert.x reply:

    "status": "ok"


Drop an existing Key Index on either Vertices or Edges.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "dropKeyIndex",
    "elementClass": "Edge",
    "key": "flags"

Vert.x reply:

    "status": "ok"


Get the list of all existing Key Indices on either Vertices or Edges.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "getIndexedKeys",
    "elementClass": "Vertex"

Vert.x reply:

    "keys": ["name", "_id"]
    "status": "ok"


Remove one or all cached Gremlin queries. Queries are cached with the full query string (and when cache is true on the query action on first-time use). If the query key is omitted, then the full cache is cleared.

Vert.x message:

    "action": "flushCachedQueries",
    "query": "_().in('HAS_CHILD_CONTENT').loop(1){it.loops < 3}{it.object.name == 'Root folder'}.path"

Vert.x reply:

    "status": "ok"