
firefox extension which provides simplistic vim-keybinding (Note: this is now a legacy-extension! It's not yet migrated to use WebExtensions and tbh, not sure if it's possible to archieve the same functionality with the WebExtensions-API)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vimkeys - Firefox Extension

(originally developed/maintained by hut, but it seems like it's been abandoned for 2 years)

This small extension gives you the most useful keybindings from the text-editor vim.

I want to keep this as small as possible, so there is no settings window. If you want to add/change keys, please edit the source and send a pull request.


You can find and install the latest release directly at addons.mozilla.org.

If you want the bleeding-edge development edition, then clone this repo into the extensions-folder of your firefox profile-folder and restart firefox

$ cd ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/fr4vxxec.default/extensions
$ git clone git@github.com:engeld/vimkeys.git vimkeys@engeld.cc

Supported keybindings

Key | Action
 k  | scroll up by 1 line
 j  | scroll down by 1 line
 K  | scroll up by 1 page
 J  | scroll down by 1 page
 g  | scroll to top
 G  | scroll to bottom
 H  | back in history
 L  | forward in history
 r  | reload
 R  | reload, ignoring cache
 s  | stop loading
 h  | previous tab
 l  | next tab
 d  | close tab
 u  | undo closing tab
 t  | new tab
 :  | focus address bar

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