This experiments was realized on Wireless communications course into Telecommunications Engineering program from Federal Institute from Santa Catarina - IFSC.
To execute this codes use Matlab Software. To find the theoretical subject go to the [Wireless Communication Theory] directory (
Loss of wireless communications - Verification of errors in transmission, disregarding shadow areas. You can find the theory used for this experiment here.
Handoff - Handoff in transmission. You can find the theory used for this experiment here.
Doppler Effect - Doppler Effect in wireless transmission. You can find the theory used for this experiment here.
Doppler Effect - Multi-path components - Doppler Effect in transmission considering mult-path components. You can find the theory used for this experiment here.
Distributions - Rayleight e Rice - Demonstrate the Rayleight e Rice distributions. You can find the theory used for this experiment here.
Wireless Crossing Rate - Wireless Crossing Rate, comparative between channel bit error and Rayleigh distribution here.