Repository for the Enggano language project (see the URL below). Maintained by @gederajeg in collaboration with @complexico @cirhss.
Pinned Repositories
A repository of analysis code and data underlying our co-authored paper on two passive constructions in Balinese (accepted for publication in Linguistics Vanguard per 13 November 2024).
The digitised Holle List in Stokhof (1980). The interactive version is deployed as a webpage 👇.
A repository to track R codes in (pre-)processing the flora and fauna Google Spreadsheet. The original, lightly annotated data is now archived in Oxford SDS 👇
Repository for the research on Enggano Middle Voice (first presented in International Conference on Austronesian Language [ICAL] 2024).
Repository of custom R codes to wrangle .lift and .flexttext output of FLEx into a new SFM database to be re-imported into a new FLEx dictionary/lexicon project. The spinoff of this project is available at https://github.com/engganolang/eno-learner-lift
A repository of .lift export from the FLEx project of the Enggano learner's printed dictionary. This .lift XML file is then transformed into a tibble/rectangular table. The spinoff of this repository is available at https://github.com/engganolang/eno-flex
A repository of R codes and curated dataset for a Shiny app database titled "EnoLEX, a diachronic lexical database for the Enggano language". The app is available online at👇.
Repository for the Enggano-Dutch wordlist in Helfrich's (1916). The current version of the data can be accessed via the link below (👇)
Repository for the Enggano word list from the late 19th century (c1895) based on the Holle List.
Retro-digitised Enggano-German dictionary (Kähler 1987).
engganolang's Repositories
A repository of analysis code and data underlying our co-authored paper on two passive constructions in Balinese (accepted for publication in Linguistics Vanguard per 13 November 2024).
The digitised Holle List in Stokhof (1980). The interactive version is deployed as a webpage 👇.
A repository to track R codes in (pre-)processing the flora and fauna Google Spreadsheet. The original, lightly annotated data is now archived in Oxford SDS 👇
Repository for the research on Enggano Middle Voice (first presented in International Conference on Austronesian Language [ICAL] 2024).
Repository of custom R codes to wrangle .lift and .flexttext output of FLEx into a new SFM database to be re-imported into a new FLEx dictionary/lexicon project. The spinoff of this project is available at https://github.com/engganolang/eno-learner-lift
A repository of .lift export from the FLEx project of the Enggano learner's printed dictionary. This .lift XML file is then transformed into a tibble/rectangular table. The spinoff of this repository is available at https://github.com/engganolang/eno-flex
Test repository for the Enggano language project
A repository of R codes and curated dataset for a Shiny app database titled "EnoLEX, a diachronic lexical database for the Enggano language". The app is available online at👇.
Repository for the Enggano-Dutch wordlist in Helfrich's (1916). The current version of the data can be accessed via the link below (👇)
Repository for the Enggano word list from the late 19th century (c1895) based on the Holle List.
Retro-digitised Enggano-German dictionary (Kähler 1987).
Containing PDF notes for transcribers to generate characters with diacritics and orthographic standardisation in the transcription of Kähler's (1987)
A repository of raw datasets of the Enggano flora and fauna lexicon as part of the AHRC-funded research titled Lexical Resources for Enggano, A Threatened Language of Indonesia (AH/W007290/1).
A repository to track changes in editing the DeepL R package output for the Indonesian translation of the English gloss. Main repository for Kähler's digitised dictionary 👇
Digitised comparative Enggano wordlist from Oudemans (1889). This publication contains the unpublished Enggano wordlist by Francis (1870) put in comparison with those by Boewang (1854), van de Straaten & Severijn (1855), von Rosenberg (1855)
Digitised, tabular version of the PAN reflexes and sound changes in Enggano as originally presented by Nothofer (1992).
The digitised dataset derived from the appendix in Schmidt's "Der Lautwandel im Enggano während der letzten 50 Jahre" from 1988. This appendix compares the Enggano forms in 1937 and 1986.