- Git Video
Class 1:
- Task1: Building your portfolio using HTML, CSS
- Task 2: Building assignment link using table
- Task 3: Hosting daily tasks on github pages Video
Class 2:
- Task1: Registration Form
- Task 2: Image Gallery
- Task 3: Music Gallery
- Task 4: Video Gallery
Class 3:
- Task 1: Ancestor tree by learning selectors, specificity and inheritance
Class 4:
- Task 1: Building login form and learning CSS positions
- Task 2: Learning flexbox by playing game
- Task 3: Learning Grid by playing game
Class 5:
- Task 1: Learning & Documenting JS fundamentals
- Task 2: Learning basic JS debugging
Class 6:
- Task 1: Building calculator methods using Functions
- Task 2: Playing with ticket counter using Array
- Task 3: Building marriage biodata using objects
Class 7:
- Scope
- Hoisting
Class 8:
- Context (this, call, apply, bind)
- Closure
Class 9:
- Arrow function
- Rest and spread operators
- Functional programming
Class 10:
- Task 1: Understanding DOM
- Task 2: Implementing calendar using DOM manipulation (Part 1)
Class 11:
- Task 1: Implementing calendar using DOM manipulation (Part 2)
- Task 2: Understanding Eventlisteners in depth
Class 12:
- Task 1: Synchronous JavaScript
- Task 2: Web workers
- Task 3: Understanding Async using setTimeout
- Task 4: Understanding Async using setInterval
- Task 3/4: Understanding Event Loop
- Task 5: Request Animation Frame
- Task 6: Understanding Fetch
Class 13:
- Task 1: Undertanding Promise
- Task 2: Integrating calendar with web API [Dependency:]
Class 14:
- Task 1: Understanding OOP using constructor function
- Task 2: Understanding OOP using class
Class 15:
- Task 1: Understanding fundamentals of responsive web design
- Task 2: Making a web page responsive
Class 16:
- Task1: Learning bootstrap fundamentals
- Task2: Using components and forms
Class 17:
- Task 1: Intro, Features, Setup, Fundamentals (JSX, Virtual DOM) Demo1 Demo2
- Task 2: Playing with CRA app
Class 18:
- Task 1: Understanding components, state and props
- Task 2: Using above understanding in Big-Store-Ecommerce app
Class 19:
- Task 1: Conditional rendering, List, Key, Fragments Link
Class 20:
- Task 1: Understanding components, state, props
- Task 2: Creating components and using state, props Link
Class 21 - 25:
- Tasks: Big-Store-Ecommerce app
Class 26:
- Task: Getting started with NodeJs
- Task: Basic Design System
Class 27:
- Task 1 - Node.Js File System Module
- Task 2 - Nodemon
- Task 3 - Debugging Node Js
- Task 4 - Package Management
- Task 5 - Learning URL module
- Task 6 - Serving static react application via Node Js server
Class 28:
- Task 1: Understanding Rest API
- Task 2: Using Postman client
- Task 3: Node modules (os, events, https)
Class 29:
- Task 1: Setting up Express Js and building basic app
- Task 2: Building API by making server to server call
- Task 3: Setting up project using express-generator
Class 30:
- Task 1: Understanding template engine
- Task 2: Create CRUD API
- Task 3: Understanding middleware and creating authentication middleware