
Repository that contains several examples regarding Microsoft .NET and .NET Core framework

MIT LicenseMIT


Repository that contains several examples regarding Microsoft .NET and .NET Core framework.

What do i find?

The repository contains a series of .NET and .NET Core samples, under MIT license for use and consumption of any developer. New projects will be added periodically.

Repository structure

The repository contains various projects including the solution and the README file.


Want to contribute? Great! Here are a few guidelines.

  1. If you want to do a feature, post an issue about the feature first. Some features are intentionally left out, some features may already be in the works, or I may have some advice on how I think it should be done. I would feel bad if time was spent on some code that won't be used.
  2. If you want to do a bug fix, it might not be a bad idea to post about it too. I've had the same bug fixed by multiple people at the same time before.
  3. All code should have a unit test. If you make a feature, there should be significant tests around the feature. If you do a bug fix, there should be a test specific to that bug so it doesn't happen again.
  4. Pull requests should have a single commit. If you have multiple commits, squash them into a single commit before requesting a pull.
  5. Try and follow the code styling already in place.


All samples are released under the The MIT License (MIT). Sources and binaries are completely free for commercial and non commercial use.