
Attempts at modifying the Nikon D200 firmware

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Nikon D200 firmware reverse engineering

Here I'm sharing my findings while reverse engineering the FW and utils I come up with. Bear in mind I'm a complete newbie to RE. Everyone is welcome to contribute.

What's currently known about the FW

[incomplete] Nikon provides these 2 firmware update files (in case of v2.01):

  • A2000201.bin
    • apparently, this is for a Renesas 32bit CPU, that runs a HI8-2600 µITRON-specification RTOS
    • interfaces with the hardware
  • B2000201.bin
    • this is for a modified version of Fujitsu FR-V, that runs a Softune RTOS
    • does all the menu UI stuff
    • 0x1ea651 contains the "Firmware Version" UTF string (modifications show up in the menu)
    • IDA does have a Fujitsu FR disassembler and discovers a few functions and register modifications but I haven't looked into them deeply


  1. https://www.flickr.com/groups/64315324@N00/discuss/72157606076114795/72157623050785197
  2. https://nikonhacker.com/wiki/Understanding_Firmware#The_.22B.22_microcontroller
  3. v2.01 FW
  4. v2.00 FW

Utils overview

  1. fix_crc.py

    • the last 2 bytes of the B2000201.bin & B2000200.bin FW update binaries is CRC16-CCITT (a.k.a. xmodem) of the whole file
    • calculates the CRC and updates it if it's incorrect
    • usage: $ fix_crc.py ../FW/B2000201.bin
    • depends on crc16
  2. something's coming...