Instagram Photo Viewer - Week 1 CodePath Android Assignment

This is an Android demo application for viewing the popular Instagram feed.

Time spent: XX hours spent in total

Completed user stories:

  • Required: User can scroll through current popular photos from Instagram
  • Required: User can see details for each photo that include: the graphic, caption, and username
  • Optional: User can see details for each photo that include: relative timestamp, like count, and user profile image
  • Advanced: Add pull-to-refresh for popular stream
  • Advanced: Show all the available comments for a photo delivered from the feed
  • Advanced: Display each photo with the same style and proportions as the real Instagram (close to it)
  • Advanced: Display each user profile image using a RoundedImageView
  • Advanced: Display a nice default placeholder graphic for each image during loading
  • Bonus: Allow video posts to be played in full-screen
  • Bonus: Overlay a video play icon on Video posts
  • Bonus: Allow a user to Login so that the user's feed can also be shown
  • Bonus: Tapping a user's profile photo will display recent posts only by that user

Walkthrough of all user stories: The login credentials were scrubbed from the video walkthrough. The viewing of the self feed is not shown to protect the content of some private feeds (ping me if a demonstration is needed)

The client id was stripped from the code, add your own if you wish to compile and update the redirect URL too.

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.