This repository is used for Start Python Club #73. The following demo applications are stored in this repository:
- Streamlit sample application to demonstrate ui widget, visualization, cache and session state
- Deployment configuration to Google App Engine
- Terraform code to deploy the infrastructure to run streamlit for GKE
- Install gcloud command
- Install docker
docker-compose up
You can access demo-app in localhost:8080
gcloud app deploy
- Creating tf-state bucket called
on GCS.
gsutil mb -b on -l asia-northeast1 gs://terraform-state-prototype
- Setting
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file=terraform.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=terraform.tfvars
- Install
apt install -qq -y gettext
- Setup Kubernetes
gcloud components install kubectl
- Change context
gcloud container clousters get-credentials --zone asia-northeast1 prototype-cluster
kubectl ctx ${context}
Run deployment script
Run deployment script with .env file
export $(cat .env | grep -v ^# | xargs); bash ./