
Panther Server Manager, manages PantherGames game servers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Panther Server Manager (v0.0.1)


Panther Server Manager is a Node.js application designed to manage Minecraft game servers. This module includes the PSM Daemon (psmd) that can manage multiple minecraft server instances. The PSM service also provides a RESTful API for controlling all the minecraft servers.

This module also provides a CLI application (psm) that wraps around the API for easy use from the command line.


  • Centralized management for all your Minecraft servers
  • CLI Interface
  • RESTful API


  • Node.js (0.6.x)
  • Npm (1.x.x)
  • MongoDB


The easiest way to install the module is with npm (Coming Soon):

npm install psm -g

You can manually clone the repo and install with this script (still requires npm):

git clone git://github.com/pantherdev/psm.git &&
cd psm &&
npm install -g


The database.yml file in the config/ directory holds the connection information for you MongoDB connection. The application will store its managed servers, remotes, and other settings in MongoDB. Please edit the database.yml file before attempting to start the psmd service.

Example database.yml

  #this is mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database
  uri: "mongodb://psm:psm123@localhost:27017/psm"