Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance 専門講座
- Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance
- Reinforcement Learning in Finance
- Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance
Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance by NYU タンドン・スクール・オブ・エンジニアリング(New York University Tandon School of Engineering)
Week 1 : Black-Scholes-Merton model, Physics and Reinforcement Learning
Lesson 1
- 動画: 講座 Reinforcement Learning and Ptolemy's Epicycles. Duration: 5分
- 動画: 講座 PDEs in Physics and Finance. Duration: 5分
- 動画: 講座 Competitive Market Equilibrium Models in Finance. Duration: 5分
- 動画: 講座 I Certainly Hope You Are Wrong, Herr Professor! Duration: 7分
- 動画: 講座 Risk as a Science of Fluctuation. Duration: 3分
- 動画: 講座 Markets and the Heat Death of the Universe. Duration: 3分
Lesson 2
Week 2 : Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Trading and Market Modeling
Lesson 1
- 動画: 講座 From Portfolio Optimization to Market Model. Duration: 9分
- 動画: 講座 Invisible Hand. Duration: 5分
- 動画: 講座 GBM and Its Problems. Duration: 9分
- 動画: 講座 The GBM Model: An Unbounded Growth Without Defaults. Duration: 9分
- 動画: 講座 Dynamics with Saturation: The Verhulst Model. Duration: 7分
- 動画: 講座 The Singularity is Near. Duration: 9分
- 動画: 講座 What are Defaults? Duration: 11分
- 動画: 講座 Quantum Equilibrium-Disequilibrium. Duration: 11分
Week 3 : Perception - Beyond Reinforcement Learning
Lesson 1
- 動画: 講座 Welcome!! Duration: 4分
- 動画: 講座 Market Dynamics and IRL. Duration: 5分
- 動画: 講座 Diffusion in a Potential: The Langevin Equation. Duration: 8分
- 動画: 講座 Classical Dynamics. Duration: 7分
- 動画: 講座 Potential Minima and Newton's Law. Duration: 4分
- 動画: 講座 Classical Dynamics: the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian. Duration: 7分
- 動画: 講座 Langevin Equation and Fokker-Planck Equations. Duration: 9分
- 動画: 講座 The Fokker-Planck Equation and Quantum Mechanics. Duration: 12分
Week 4 : Other Applications of Reinforcement Learning: P-2-P Lending, Cryptocurrency, etc.
Lesson 1
- 動画: 講座 Welcome!! Duration: 1分
- 動画: 講座 Electronic Markets and LOB. Duration: 9分
- 動画: 講座 Trades, Quotes and Order Flow. Duration: 7分
- 動画: 講座 Limit Order Book. Duration: 8分
- 動画: 講座 LOB Modeling. Duration: 8分
- 動画: 講座 LOB Statistical Modeling. Duration: 10分
- 動画: 講座 LOB Modeling with ML and RL. Duration: 9分
- 動画: 講座 Other Applications of RL. Duration: 7分
- 動画: 講座 The Value of Universatility. Duration: 15分
Week 4 Assessment
- ラボ: Final Project: Exploration of non-linear market model dynamics. Duration: 1時間
- 受講生によるテスト: Final Project. Duration: 1時間
- 他の受講生の課題を確認: Final Project
Other Peers' assignment might refer to :
- Peer 1
- Peer 2
- Peer 3
- Peer 4
- Peer 5
- Peer 6
- Peer 7
- Rmarkdown version (draft, not yet complete)
- Financial Aids (Rmarkdown)
Coursera - Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance.pdf
- Coursera Verified Certificate : Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance
- University : New York University
- LinkedIn : Coursera Course Certificates
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