
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An Express/Node.js based server using a custom “authentication” module that is designed to handle user registration and sign in using Basic, Bearer, or OAuth along with a custom “authorization” module that will grant/deny users access to the server based on their role or permissions level

Author: Nour Abu El-Enein




  • Clone the repository from GitHub
  • Run the command npm i express dotenv morgan base-64 bcrypt cors mongoose jsonwebtoken jest @code-fellows/supergoose to install dependencies
  • create .env file with PORT variable and MONGODB_URI=mongodb:****** and a secret key SECRET=****


  • Run the command npm test to test and verify the server and the middlewares are working.
  • Run the command npm run lint for testing lint.

Running the app

npm run start


  • post /signin ---> 'Basic Auth'

  • post /signup ---> 'No Auth '

  • let /users ----> bearer

  • get /secret ----> bearer

  • CRUD /api/v1/model ---> Oauth

  • CRUD /api/v2/model ---> Oauth

Returns Object

user { "_id": "String", "username": "String", "password": "String", "role": "String" }

foodModel { name: String, calories: Number, type: enum }

clothesModel { name: String, color: String, size: String }


UML Diagram

UML Lab7