
A simple cassandra migrator and state manager

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION

🐦 Casco

Is just a simple, dev-env friendly tool to help you interact with states of your Cassandra DBs.

Alt Text

⚙️ Operations

Up can migrate up your tables from versioned migration files. (from /up dir)

Down let you revert the state(s) like dropping created tables from the same versioned files. (from /down dir)

Seed you put seeds there and your DBs will grow! it's useful for filling tables. (from /seed dir)

forget casco will just purge your migration history map, including checksums, versions, last applied, etc.

📂 Directories

Casco needs a migration source directory containing at least one of /up, /down, /seed, or even all of them. The default source location is ./resources/migrationss but it's also configurable in the Casco config file we'll see further. The default directory of casco is root (./casco.edn) but this is configurable too.

🎩 Profiles

This concept lets you do the separation on your operations both logically and technically. The first level keys in the Casco config file indicate to a profile you name it like dev, test, trans, etc. Each profile key can contain a unique map of migration settings we'll be discussed further.

{:dev  {:src  "./resources/dev/migrations"
        :dbs  [{:contact-points ["localhost:9042"]
                :session-keyspace "dev"
                :load-balancing-local-datacenter "datacenter1"
                :auto-create    true}]
        :mode :rebase}

 :test {:src  "./resources/test/migrations"
        :dbs  [{:contact-points ["localhost:9042"]
                :session-keyspace "test"}]
        :mode :force}

⚔️ Conflict strategy modes

The mode can help you face the conflict situations like checksum collision or version-order inconsistency.

-- Strict: If there is conflict, then it will not step further.

-- Force: The conflicts are not considered at all.

-- Rebase: This strategy will try to do the "down" operation from the first conflict to the end and try to build them up again.

📡 Miscellaneous

-- Auto-create: The DB configuration map is just like mpenet/alia cause we used it! but casco supports an extra property that will try to create the keyspace you provide if not exist.

⏯️ Command Examples

lein casco up

lein casco up --force

lein casco up :test --strict

lein casco up :test --strict "./my-confs/casco.edn"

lein casco <:profile-key> <--mode> < config/file/path>

lein casco down

lein casco down --force

lein casco down :dev --force

lein casco down :dev --force "./my-confs/casco.edn"

lein casco seed :dev

lein casco seed :dev "./my-confs/casco.edn"

lein casco forget :dev

lein casco forget :dev "./my-confs/casco.edn"

  • ☑️ def alies just for integrate testing.
  • ♻️ TODO : rebase conflict strategy in progress...
  • ◻️ TODO : test and debug.
  • ◻️ TODO : make a leiningen plugin out of it.
  • ◻️ TODO : publish a proper readme/documentation/manual/wiki/codox
  • ◻️ TODO : do the licensings stuff!
  • ◻️ TODO : smoke test and improvements.
  • ◻️ TODO : make it ready to publish.