
mysql dbconectivity used in goLang to run db operations in Docker container using Docker file for basic CRUD operations

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mysql dbconectivity used in goLang to run db operations in Docker container using Docker file for basic CRUD operations

Target Our target is to setup mysql and create database named 'testdb' with table 'Persons' in it.

Reference https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql

Pre-requisite Sql Client should already be installed in machine. apt-get update && apt-get install -y mysql-client

Introduction 1- First thing first, we need mysql running container in order to link it with our container. So we need to initiate a mysql container. Container runs in detached mode because we need it as a service. docker run --detach --name= --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=" mysql

To see logs of the running container use docker logs

2- Install sql client locally apt-get install mysql-client

3- Test the current IP Address of mysql docker inspect

4- Using obtained IP Address type mysql -uroot -p -h -P 3306 By default port 3306 is assigned to mysql, it can be changed if needed

5- Run our docker container linking to this mysql container docker run -dit --name --link :mysql This linking should be checked by executing in our container in Interactive mode and open "cat /etc/hosts" where you should see mySql linking to our container with IP Address

6- Access mySql client this way mysql -uroot -p -h -P --database=