Data Warehouse Service

Application Status

example workflow


This service consist of three endpoint whose functions are

  • to upload deal records in csv/excel format
  • to upload deal record in Json rest data format
  • to fetch deals in paginated format

Validations Added

  • Only unique Deal data is persisted
  • Validates uploaded file type
  • Validates DateTime format (MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss)
  • No rollback if data already exist

Sample test csv is available in the resource folder of this service

How to Run Locally

Have docker running on your machine and run docker-compose up Swagger Documentation available at :: http://localhost:9001/swagger-ui/index.html


JDBC_DATASOURCE_URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sample_db JDBC_DATASOURCE_USERNAME = root JDBC_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD = zurum-mysql

Technology Used:

  • Java 21
  • SpringBoot
  • MySql
  • Swagger Docs
  • Docker
  • CSV file reader (apache.commons csv)


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