Hello! I'm Sharoon Honey, an accomplished software engineer known for seamlessly integrating diverse technologies to meet client needs and personal projects.
Pinned Repositories
"Youtube Video Downloader" is an web app. Develop using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and RapidAPI. It is used to download every Youtube Video for free.
A simple and elegant stopwatch application built with React. Features start, stop, and reset functionalities. Ideal for learning React concepts and building responsive web applications.
I developed a web app called YouTube-Clone, which replicates the core functionalities of YouTube. It allows users to upload, stream, and comment on videos seamlessly. The app also features a responsive design for an optimal viewing experience across devices. Credit: JavaScript Mastery (YouTube Channel)
Keras implementation of 'LipNet: End-to-End Sentence-level Lipreading'
engrsharoonhoney's Repositories
"Youtube Video Downloader" is an web app. Develop using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and RapidAPI. It is used to download every Youtube Video for free.
A simple and elegant stopwatch application built with React. Features start, stop, and reset functionalities. Ideal for learning React concepts and building responsive web applications.
I developed a web app called YouTube-Clone, which replicates the core functionalities of YouTube. It allows users to upload, stream, and comment on videos seamlessly. The app also features a responsive design for an optimal viewing experience across devices. Credit: JavaScript Mastery (YouTube Channel)