DuckDuckGo !Bangs
A web extension for making it easier to search using DuckDuckGo !bangs. DuckDuckGo is a search engine that does not track you. DuckDuckGo !bangs allow you to search on thousands of sites, directly. This extension add two functions.
- Add !bang buttons to the DuckDuckGo search results page.
- add context menu to search using DuckDuckGo !bangs for selected text.
Supports 19 !bangs at the moment of over 9000 available.
Supported bangs
- Google !g
- Google Images: !gi
- Google Maps: !gm
- Google Translate: !tr
- Youtube: !yt
- !di
- Google News: !gn
- Hacker News: !hn
- Facebook: !fb
- Twitter: !tw
- Wikipedia: !wi
- IMDb: !imd
- Bing: !b
- Github: !git
- StackOverflow: !so
- Reddit: !r
- Amazon: !a
- Piratebay: !piratebay
- Avaxhome: !avax
- RaRBG: !rarbg
Aditya Mukerjee I have been using his Firefox addon for some time and it gave me the idea for the buttons. I also used his code as a starting point for adding the buttons to the search result. for icons, !bangs and their awesome search engine.
Possible improvements
- Add custom buttons and links by providing a !bang and title.
- Custom sort order of buttons.
- Custom sort links in context menu.
- Add buttons to other search engines like Google.
Clone the repo and run npm install
git clone
npm install
Gulp Tasks
gulp babel should be run before test and run a extension on browser.
gulp babel
Watch task helps you reduce your efforts during development extensions.
gulp watch
Build and Package
It will build the app as a result you can have a distribution version of the app in dist. Run this command to build the browser extension app.
gulp build
This command will compress your app built by gulp build command.
gulp package
Or create an xpi file.
gulp package-xpi
For more info: Yeoman Chrome Extension generator