
Cebinae: Scalable In-network Fairness Augmentation (SIGCOMM 2022)

Primary LanguagePython



Cebinae is a switch infrastructure that mitigates unfairness using distributed local state verifications & reactions, with no changes to the legacy end host CCAs.

Main Content

  • cebinae.py: The global utility script to drive a set of experiments and commands.
  • ns/: ns-3.35 source tree with cebinae module and experiment instances.
    • configs/: List of json configuration files as input to launch experiments.
    • index/: Reference experiment output results.
    • cebinae/: Experiement instances.
  • vm/: Scripts to set up VM env with tofino SDE.
  • vm_prebuild: Directory to place and launch the prebuilt VM instance.
  • tofino_prototpye: Cebinae's P4-16 implementation and C++ control plane agent tested on the Wedge100BF-32X Tofino switch.
  • vm_experiments.md: Instructions to reproduce the resource table and top flow detection result without requiring physical Tofino switch.

Artifact Evaluation README

For the ease of running the evaluation process, cebinae.py is created as the main entry point to experiement launches and analysis/plotting scripts to reproduce the results/graphs in the paper.

Environment Setup

  • Clone/fetch the latest version of the repository: git clone https://github.com/eniac/Cebinae.

  • For the reproduction of the majority of results, only a canonical Linux machine (e.g., Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 LTS) is required. Other Linux distributions and OS are also expected to work, preferably Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

  • Validate environment set up.

    • which python points to python3 or change the commands below to python3. Python version >= 3.8 required for packages like scipy.
    • python cebinae.py ns validate -p optimized to validate if the environment is well set up, which typically takes around 15 min. Upon failure of compilation or tests, check if the prerequisite packages are installed for the corresponding platform, for instance, gcc >= 7.0.0. For Ubuntu 18.04, python cebinae.py ns prerequisite auto-installs the set of packages needed.
    • Confirm that gnuplot is installed by typing gnuplot in the linux prompt and type q to quit its terminal.
  • (Optional) A physical Barefoot Tofino switch (tested end-to-end with bf-sde-9.5.0) connecting to a testbed of 6 servers with Mellanox Technologies MT27710 Family [ConnectX-4 Lx] 10G/25G NIC.

    • Feel free to skip for artifact evaluation, as the majority of results in the paper are executed in ns-3.35 (that allows interating various environment conditions, and prevent randomness for fair comparative studies versus the alternatives with the same exact background condition) or Tofino VMs.
    • For the results conducted on Tofino switch (e.g., data plane resource, top flow detection), one could reproduce the same result with Tofino ASIC model VM. We provided the scripts under vm directory to set up the environment.
    • TLDR: We understand that setting up the env (e.g., installing the exact version bf-sde-9.5.0, downloading CAIDA traces) may be time consuming, hence, we've provided a prebuilt VM instance for the ease of the evaluation process (see next bullet point).
  • We provided a pre-built VM instance with bf-sde-9.5.0 for artifact evaluation process to validate the HW results in the accepted paper manuscript without the need of physical testbed set up. See detailed instructions.

Reproduce Figure 1 Illustrative Example

  • Before launching any experiments, run python cebinae.py ns configure -p optimized and python cebinae.py ns build to configure and build with optimized build profile for faster execution.
  • Run the experiment batch: python cebinae.py ns run_batch -c fig1.json (takes ~2 min, or ~1min if with --parallel flag). The tracing outputs of the experiments will appear under temporary created direcotry ns/tmp_index/fig1/ by default.
  • Plot Figure 1: python cebinae.py plot --plot_target fig1 --data_path ns/tmp_index/fig1/. The output plot figure1.eps will show up under ns/tmp_index/fig1/.
  • Expected outputs and plots are also stored under ns/index/fig1/ for reference. The *.eps plot can be displayed by any EPS Viewer (e.g., Mac's built-in reader) via open *.eps.

Reproduce Table 2

  • ns/configs/tbl2/ stores the configuration of experiments for the batch (3 instances) of experiments for each row, for instance, ns/configs/tbl2/r0.json corresponds to row 0 in the table.
  • Run the experiment batches for each row, for instance r0.json:
    • Run python cebinae.py ns run_batch -c tbl2/r0.json --parallel to decompose the batch instances for parallel execution, the results will appear under ns/tmp_index/tbl2/r0/.
    • Run python cebinae.py parse --target bigtbl --data_path ns/tmp_index/tbl2/r0 to print the corresponding parsed results from digest files of each experiment instance to the terminal.
  • Alternatively, one could also run python cebinae.py ns run_instances -c tbl2 --parallel (takes ~3 hours) in single command that will run all experiment configs under the specified directory ns/configs/tbl2/ and exploits the underlying multi-core architecture if any via multiprocessing pool.
    • If any experiment instance fails (due to occasional file reads/writes failure with multi-processing), one could always return to the previous run_batch command for re-executing the specific batch.
  • We understand that re-running all experiments may be computationally expensive. Therefore, all reference results and the parsed row print are stored under the corresponding row subdirectory of ns/index/tbl2/, the digest file contains the expected completion time (on Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4110 CPU @ 2.10GHz) for the corresponding experiment instance.

Reproduce Figure 7

  • Run python cebinae.py ns run_batch -c fig7.json --parallel, results will appear under ns/tmp_index/fig7/.
  • Parse the result and plot figure 7: python cebinae.py plot --plot_target fig7 --data_path ns/tmp_index/fig7/. The resulting fig7.eps will appear under ns/tmp_index/fig7/.
  • ns/index/fig7/ also stores the reference output and graph.

Reproduce Figure 8

  • Run python cebinae.py ns run_batch -c fig8.json --parallel, results will appear under ns/tmp_index/fig8/.
  • Parse the result and plot figure 8: python cebinae.py plot --plot_target fig8 --data_path ns/tmp_index/fig8/. The resulting *.eps will appear under ns/tmp_index/fig8/.
  • ns/index/fig8/ also stores the reference output and graph.

Reproduce Table 3 Hardware Resource Usage

See instructions.

Reproduce Figure 9

See instructions.

Sanity check of pseudocode in Figure 4 & 5 & 6

Major pointer to files related to the instantiation of the data plane & control plane operations:

Further Questions

For for details, please refer to our SIGCOMM 2022 paper: Cebinae: Scalable In-network Fairness Augmentation. Feel free to post issues or contact leoyu@seas.upenn.edu if any question arises.

  author = {Yu, Liangcheng and Sonchack, John and Liu, Vincent},
  title = {Cebinae: Scalable In-network Fairness Augmentation},
  year = {2022},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
  doi = {10.1145/3544216.3544240},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication on the Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication},
  location = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
  series = {SIGCOMM '22}