Quick Find (Interpretation:- Let p and q be two elements of array, they are connected iff they have same ID's
Find:- Check if p and q have same ID
id[p]==id[q], connected, or id[p]!=id[q], not connected
Union:- To merge components containing p and q, change all entries whose ID equals id[p] into id[q])
Quick Union (Interpretation:- Let p and q be two elements of array, they are connected via link such that q is the root element of p
Find:- Check if p and q have the same root or not
root(p)==root(q), connected, or root(p)!=root(q), not connected
Union:- To merge components containing p and q, set the id of p's root to the id of q's root)
Weighted Quick Union (Interpretation:- Same as Quick Union except a size array sz[] is used which holds the number of elements in a tree
Find:- Same as Qucick Union
Union:-Modify Quick Union to:-
1.)Link Root of a smaller tree to root of larger tree making it a child of larger tree. 2.)Update the sz[] array to total no of elements now in a tree)