
Jeopardy inspired Java Quiz Game

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Jeopardy inspired Java Quiz Game

If you want to run a game at your group or conference starts here.

Getting started

Building & running

This game is built using Quarkus.

To build you need maven and a modern Java JDK. Say Java 17

To run you need Docker since dev mode uses Quarkus test containers

Running the game locally is straight foward. It's a matter of issuing either

quarkus dev or mvn quarkus:dev

Once the message ' Listening on: http://localhost:8080' has appeared the game can be played.

go to http://localhost:8080 to visit the welcome page.

It's important to understand that this game is intended to eventually run in the cloud and it's intended to be one of several games. For now there's one game and its in development. (thems the breaks!) So select the nice blue button in the middle and hopefully you'll see the main Java JEP'dy landing page

At the moment there is one choice so take the next button and go On to the Games and Welcome to Java JEP'dy

How to play

Note you need something to provide a buzzer. We've had great success with this: multibuzz

1 Start by adding a new game.

Take the Add New Game button on http://localhost:8080/jepdy/public/games and in the form that is displayed make some choices.

Field Description
Game Name The name of the game - not particulary important
Rounds The range is 1-6. Generally leave it as 6
Categories per Round This is asking how many rows of questions to show
Teams Number of teams. Each team will have a letter of the alphabet assigned
Seed This is used by a random number generator inside the clue engine to pick categories and clues

The end of game mechanics are not enabled yet so it's better to keep the number of rounds to 6 and stop when you want.

2 Refresh the page

Now your game should show on the list. Note its two-word short code. For now, you're in control but when we get the game hosted this will become important.

3 Select 'Watch'

This should open up a new window or at least a tab. This page is the one the audience and the participants will see. It will get updated as you run the game. Move this tab/window on the the screen being projected.

4 Go back to the game list and select 'Host'

This window is where most of the action takes place. The rounds start from 0 BTW.

Determine the first category / score some how. When ready click the corrisponding blue button and a panel should appear.

5 To show the Clue to the audience click the reveal clue button

This will show the clue on the Watch panel. When it's time to show the answer ..

6 Click the Reveal Answer button

You can go back and forth with either the Show clue or Show answer button, At some point a team has answered correctly or incorrectly (it's best to keep it simple and not allow another team to guess too)

7 Click the Team button in the winner or loser row so it remains highlighted

If there is no winner or loser select appropriately Once you're ready to score the answer

8 Click submit button

The clue chosen has had its score box removed and team points have been adjusted accordingly. Now back at the host panel you can repeat this process until you've exhausted the round or no one wants to guess anymore.

8 Click the next round button

Hopefully you get the idea!

Technical details

The database behind the game (In fact there are two) are spun up by Quarkus dev mode. All the clue data is loaded into a postgres DB at startup via enigma4j.jepdy.engine.PrepDB. This class loads the contents of the clues.txt file in the root data directory

Clue Format - adding new clues etc

The clue file is simple. Empty lines are used to seperate clues and categories Categories come first and all clues are added to the category until then next one is encountered.

To add a new Clue to a category make sure it looks like the others

answer: What is JavaOne attrib: anon score: 100 clue: This west coast conference was the place to be until 2017

Note that it's one line per attribute - no line wrapping! Also note that attrib is short for attribution. Scores are used as a guide to ordering but are not taken asis