Minimal example of NVIDIA Apex with Distributed Data Parallelism.
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
git clone
cd apex_example
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
git clone
cd apex
git checkout f3a960f80244cf9e80558ab30f7f7e8cbf03c0a0
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
cd ../apex_example
- DistributedDataParallel seems to outperform DataParallel in general, even for local single-machine training without APEX. DataParallel relies on global interpreter lock sharing within a single process, which is slow.
- DeepSpeed relies on deprecated (and strongly discouraged) fp16 API, not supporting automatic mixed-precision (microsoft/DeepSpeed#121).
- Apex fp16 O3 optimization level with DistributedDataParallel seems competitive with DeepSpeed throughput and memory allocation (only in single-machine configurations), while having the benenfit of being minimal, supporting the recommended unified API and automatic mixed precision.
- Apex DataParallel issue: NVIDIA/apex#227
- Apex C-compilation issue: NVIDIA/apex#802
- Apex segfault gcc issue: NVIDIA/apex#35