Base Jmix Flow project with project management data model
This project contains:
- Data model with Project, Task, TimeEntry, ProjectStatus, and User entities
- TaskService - service that returns least busy User
- List and Detail views for JPA entities
- Liquibase changelogs for init and fill data model - 3 Users, 2 Projects with 3 Tasks in each (6 Tasks in total)
Project may be used as a basic Flow project for trainings:
- Security basic
- Working with data basic
- UI basic
- Working with files in Jmix
- Using Jmix Studio efficiently
- Advanced deployment
- Emailing in Jmix
- Testing Jmix applications
docker run -e VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=myroot -p 8200:8200 hashicorp/vault
Kubernetes code added to the folder k8s