
Fluent API to transform PDF pages using PDFBox

Primary LanguageJava

Fluent API to apply transformations on PDF pages using the Apache PDFBox

Main Interface :

public interface PdfTransformation {
	//Other default methods were removed from here to clarity
	 * @param pdf         the same instance is passed through all the transformation
	 *                    chain
	 * @param page        the current page
	 * @param pageNnumber the page number. This is a zero based counter
	 * @throws Exception
	void apply(PDDocument pdf, PDPage page, int pageNnumber) throws Exception;


Existing transformations :

  • Identity : does nothing
  • EmbeddedFilesAndJsPdfTrans that sets the javascripts and embedded files to null
  • RemoveTokensPdfTrans with three existing variants : containsString, regex, cosNameStartWith and you can create new one by passing a Predicate<Object> to its constructor.

Dependencies :

	<!-- Java 1.8 -->

Steps :

  1. Download the jar file from releases folder and add it to your project build path
  2. Build a transformations chain starting from PdfTransformation.identity() or PdfTransformation.defaults()
  3. To create custom transformations you need to implements the interface PdfTransformation then add them to the chain in the first step.
  4. Create an object of PdfTransformer using the PdfTransformer.from method and set the saveTo file path (Where the resulting PDF file should be saved)
  5. Execute the transformer

Example :

package com.nouni.fluentPdfBox;

import java.io.File;

import org.apache.pdfbox.io.MemoryUsageSetting;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;

import com.nouni.fluentPdfBox.transformations.RemoveTokensPdfTrans;
import static com.nouni.fluentPdfBox.transformations.RemoveTokensPdfTrans.containsText;
import static com.nouni.fluentPdfBox.transformations.RemoveTokensPdfTrans.cosNameStartsWith;

public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		PdfTransformation trans = PdfTransformation.defaults()
								.chain(new PdfTransformation() {
									public void apply(PDDocument pdf, PDPage page, int pageNnumber) throws Exception {
										System.out.println("C" + pageNnumber);
		File f = new File(args[0]);
		PdfTransformer engine = PdfTransformer.from(f);
		engine.setSaveTo(new File(args[1]));
		try {
		} catch(Exception e) {


Credit :

To thebabush/pdf-strip-watermark