
Master Dynamic Programming in just 12 days katas solutions

Primary LanguagePython

Master Dynamic Programming in just 12 days katas solutions

You found in this repository my solutions.

Problem list (✅ solved, ❌ not solved) : 42

Document problems_.pdf katas using TDD (baby steps)

  • ✅ Fibonacci Number
  • ✅ Climbing Stairs
  • ✅ House Robber
  • ✅ House Robber 2
  • ✅ Equal Sum Partition
  • ✅ Target Sum
  • ✅ Coin Change
  • ✅ Coin Change 2
  • ✅ Decode Ways
  • ✅ Min cost for tickets
  • ✅ Combination Sum 4 (generates combinations)
  • ✅ Combination Sum 4 (counts combinations)
  • ✅ Delete and Earn
  • ✅ Unique Paths
  • ✅ Unique Paths 2
  • ✅ Minimum Path Sum
  • ✅ Triangle
  • ✅ Minimum Falling Path Sum
  • ✅ Maximal Square
  • Number of increasing paths
  • Longest Common Subsequence
  • Longest Palindromic Subsequence
  • Word Break
  • Min insertions to make a string palindrome
  • Edit Distance
  • Distinct Subsequences
  • Wildcard Matching
  • Shortest Common Supersequence
  • Longest Increasing Subsequence
  • Russian Dolls
  • Largest Divisible Subset
  • Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference
  • Longest Arithmetic Subsequence
  • Number of Lis
  • Buy and Sell Stock 1
  • Buy and Sell Stock 2
  • Buy and Sell Stock 3
  • Buy and Sell Stock 4
  • Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown
  • Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee
  • Palindrome Partitioning 2
  • Burst Balloons
  • Scramble String

Google 15 interview questions (✅ solved, ❌ not solved) :

Document google-15-interview-questions_.pdf katas using TDD (baby steps)

  • Find the kth largest element in a number stream
  • Find ‘k’ closest numbers
  • Delete node with given key
  • Copy linked list with arbitrary pointer
  • Mirror binary trees
  • ✅ Find all paths for a sum
  • Longest substring with no more than ‘k’ distinct characters
  • Longest substring with no repeating characters
  • Equal subset sum partition
  • Determine if the number is valid
  • Print balanced brace combinations
  • Given a number of tasks, determine if they can all be scheduled
  • Implement a LRU cache
  • Find the high and low index
  • Merge overlapping intervals

Codingame interview questions (✅ solved, ❌ not solved) :

  • Wooden Toys

Requirements :

python -m venv .env
# source .env/bin/activate
pip install pytest

python pytest