
css sprite tool. css合图工具

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  • 高性能,超简单
  • 支持background-repeatbackground-size,以及值为left/right/top/bottomcenter和百分比%不支持)的background-position
  • 支持小图在大图里面的padding值
  • 支持合图配置,即指定那些图合到一起
  • 支持ie6 hack写法,即用"_"开头的声明


  • 多图片格式支持,现在只支持png
  • 当没有自定义合图配置时,自动合图。例如,冲突检测机制


npm install -g imerge



自定义配置,可以指定那些小图合并到一起,只需要在css中定义了背景图片的地方加上merge: value,就可以将该小图合并到value大图中。对于没有定义merge的图片,将忽略。 例如:

div {
	background: url('path/to/image.png');
	merge: sprite;


imerge source dest [options]



div {
	background: url('path/to/sprite_sprite.png');
	background-position: 0px 0px;



这种方式将扫描所有的背景图片,然后将其合并到一张图片sprite_sprite.png中,如果定义了ie6 hack写法的背景图片,合到sprite_sprite_ie6.png中。但这种情况存在以下风险:

  • 当图片存在png/git/jpg等多种格式时,无法合并
  • 当定义了不支持的属性background-position: center 40%时,无法合并
  • 当存在一张图片background-repeat: repeat-x,另一张background: repeat-y时,无法合并


imerge source dest -a


	-h, --help                     output usage information
	-V, --version                  output the version number
	-p, --pattern [pattern]        CSS file glob pattern
	-d, --default-padding [value]  Set default padding value
	-a, --all                      Process all background images
	-w, --webroot                  Set webroot path. Default: source path                   


A tool for css sprite.


  • Highly performance
  • Support background-repeat, background-size and even background-position which value is left, right, top and bottom except for center
  • Custom image padding in sprite
  • Custom merge setting
  • Support ie6 hack, i.e. declaration starts with '_'


  • Multi image formats are supported.Only support png for now.
  • Auto generate sprite image when you don't customize merge setting, e.g. conflict detect.


npm install -g imerge


Before using this tool, you must to customize merge setting in css files. Just add merge: value in css block which has background or background-image declaration.

For example:

div {
	background: url('path/to/image.png');
	merge: sprite;

then execute

imerge source dest [options]

This will generate css files and sprite images to dest directory.

##Output CSS file:

div {
	background: url('path/to/sprite_sprite.png');
	background-position: 0px 0px;

Sprite image is named sprite_sprite.png.


	-h, --help                     output usage information
	-V, --version                  output the version number
	-p, --pattern [pattern]        CSS file glob pattern
	-d, --default-padding [value]  Set default padding value
	-a, --all                      Process all background images
	-w, --webroot                  Set webroot path. Default: source path  


Use mocha as the unit test framwork.

npm install -g mocha
// enter project directory
mocha -w --compilers coffee:coffee-script --recursive