Near Certified Developer Bootcamp / FINAL DEMO PROJECT / Idea Pool
This project's purpose is create a bridge between developers, investers etc. and persons that who has a idea and looking for a help to build it. I named it Idea Pool it sounds nice to me.
Usage of NEAR Features
1. npm
2. Current version of Node.js
3. yarn / to install: npm install --global yarn (or just npm i -g yarn) you need near-cli installed globally. Here's how:
npm install --global near-cli This will give you the near CLI tool. Ensure that it's installed with: near --version
Getting started
1. Clone this repo to a local folder
2. type yarn (This will install the dependencies so that we won’t have a problem related to that.)
3. yarn build:release
4. near dev-deploy ./build/release/simple.wasm
1. hi
This function retruns users intro again or if intro is less than 3 then it returns the default message.
export function hi(intro:string): string{
if(intro.length <= 3){
return intro;
2. addIdea
This function allows users to adding an idea according to stated letters counts.
export function addIdea(head: string, intro: string, idea: string): void{
assert(head.length <= MAX_HEAD_LENGTH, Max head length is ${MAX_HEAD_LENGTH} char. )
assert(!isHeadUsedBefore, "This head has been used before.")
assert(intro.length <= MAX_INTRO_LENGTH, Max intro length is ${MAX_INTRO_LENGTH} char. )
assert(idea.length <= MAX_IDEA_LENGTH, Max intro length is ${MAX_IDEA_LENGTH} char. )
const listing = new Idea(head, intro, idea)
3. findingHead
This function looking for if the idea that is rating from users, exist or not. Or directly looking for the head is exist or not. This is using for other functions.
export function findingHead(headq:string): void{
for(let i = 0; i<ideas.length; i++){
if(ideas[i].head == headq){
4. isHeadUsedBefore
This function checks if the head that wanting to be used is used before or not.
export function isHeadUsedBefore(headq: string): boolean {
for(let i = 0; i< ideas.length; i++){
if(ideas[i].head == headq){
logging.log("Head has been used before!")
return true;
return false
5. rateTheIdea
This function allows users to rate the idea. Like or dislike.
export function rateTheIdea(headq:string, vote:string): Vote{
assert(findingHead, "Head not exist.")
assert((vote == "like" || vote == "dislike"), Vote must be equal like or dislike)
if(vote == "like"){
logging.log("you liked " + headq + "like=+1^")
if(vote == "dislike"){
logging.log("you didn't like " + headq)
let voting = new Vote(headq, context.sender, vote, like, dislike)
return voting
How to call these functions:
near call $CONTRACT hi '{"intro":"lorem ipsum"}' --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID.testnet