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Machine Learning with GCP App Engine Deployment

Predicting the Probability of default -"GiveMeSomeCredit" from Kaggle

  • The application provides REST API prediction app that returns the probability of default given the customer credit attributes.

  • Currently the only enabled route that returns the predictions is @/predict and only POST requests are allowed to the client.

  • The client can be anything. The application is agnostic to the language (python/java/curl etc) as the data is served and handled using JSON data structure.


Set up the enviroment

1. Locally

Recommeded: To replicate the enviroment it is recommneded that python virtual is created and sourced:

$ python3 -m venv ~/.gcp-app
$ source ~/.gcp-app/bin/activate

After getting virtual enviroment set up download the data and test it locally:

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/enisbe/gcp-app.git
$ cd gcp-app
$ git checkout test
$ make install

Start the app locally:

python main.py
 * Serving Flask app "main" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 160-285-640
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Main route http://[server]/model provides the basic information about the model.

2. Deploy in GCP app-engine

The application can be deployed in Google Cloud using App Engine. In googleshell, start by cloning the directory from the github and switch to prod (or test) branch:

$ git clone https://github.com/enisbe/gcp-app.git
$ cd gcp-app
$ git checkout prod
$ gcloud app create
$ gcloud app deploy app.yaml  --project [project name]

Interaction with the application and make requests

There are many ways that a client can make a request against the app:

  1. Using python CLI (or any other language) locally or remotely
  2. Using Ipython or some other interactive shell
  3. Using curl or some other tool like curl

1. Using Python CLI

Making requests in a local or remote environment is the same as using Python in a terminal. The only difference is where the request is routed. For testing locally open file test-predict-app-cli-request.py and uncomment url = "http://localhost:8080/predict" code line. For making requests to the GCP App Engine uncomment url = "https://my-project-434-301711.uc.r.appspot.com/predict"

Then the request can be sent Python via python cli. If we are requesting from localhost then the command and response will look as follows:

$ python test-predict-app-cli-request.py  -f ./data/cs-test.csv -t 10
Reading from file:  ./data/cs-test.csv
----Response Headers-----
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Content-Length": "288",
    "Server": "Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.8.8",
    "Date": "Sun, 14 Mar 2021 02:24:22 GMT"
    "predicted=1": [

Sending the request to GCP App Engine using the same command:

$ python test-predict-app-cli-request.py  -f ./data/cs-test.csv -t 10
Reading from file:  ./data/cs-test.csv
----Response Headers-----
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Vary": "Accept-Encoding",
    "Content-Encoding": "gzip",
    "X-Cloud-Trace-Context": "6888a65914c443ec170d4c6c6b3bdc9e;o=1",
    "Date": "Sun, 14 Mar 2021 02:26:16 GMT",
    "Server": "Google Frontend",
    "Cache-Control": "private",
    "Alt-Svc": "h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-T051=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q050=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q043=\":443\"; ma=2592000,quic=\":443\"; ma=2592000; v=\"46,43\"",
    "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"
    "predicted=1": [

-f argument indicates the file name where the is coming from
-t argument indicates how many rows to evaluate (all or any string would send all rows to the server for scoring)

2. Using Interactive Python

Using Interactive Python is straightforward. The code to test application and make requests is found in test-predict-app-kernel.py

"""This code can be run in interactive shell"""
import mlib
import requests 
import json

url = "http://localhost:8080/predict"
# url = "https://my-project-434-301711.uc.r.appspot.com/predict"

file = "./data/cs-test.csv"
top = 10

payload = mlib.create_json_payload(mlib.load_test_data(file)[0:top])

results = mlib.request_payload(url,payload)
print('----Response Headers-----')

3. Using curl

$ ./curl-request.sh
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   468  100    52  100   416    192   1540 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1733
  "predicted=1": [

Model Summary

  • The model is based on the Kaggle competiion dataset used for "GiveMeSomeCredit" competition. The competition main page is found here here.
  • This is a scikit-learn Random Forecast Classifier with GridSearchCV method to find the best fitting model
  • The highst rank model in the competition had a score of 0.86. My model RFC Kaggle score was 0.859

Test and Train AUC curves and results:

Test Data Prediction

Application Pipeline and Architecture

  • This application deploys the Machine Learning in the Google Cloud environment and provides REST API interface that the client application can interact with. The use case for such an application is a model problem that potentially has a broad user group that wants to leverage the ML model application.

  • The application is built in Python using Flask web framework and it was deployed in GCP app engine. Github actions is used for Continous Integration (CI). For continuous deployment (CD) a trigger in GCP was created to track the prod in Github. On any change in the prod branch GCP app-engine redeploy the application.

  • The application was developed and tested locally. After successful testing, the code changes are pushed to test branch repo where github actions was used for CI for linting and testing the code. Optionally, for applications for downtime, a CD with another app-engine can be deployed to respond to any change in test branch. For this application, this was not used. After successful CI integration, the test branch is merged with prod which is redeployed via GCP CD trigger.

The ML app pipeline is shown below:

Application Pipeline


Download AppachBench utility tools and make requests on /predict route:

$ sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
$ ab -p one_request.json -T application/json -c 100 -n 1000  https://my-project-434-301711.uc.r.appspot.com/predict

Assets and Routes


/ main
/model information
/readme information
/predict handles POST requests. GET requests are disables

github repo prod branch in the repository

Important assets:

etl.py - Automate extract data from Kaggle
main.py - Flask App
mlib.py - helper module
data/credit-train.ipynb - training the model
test-predict-app-cli-request.py - test cli
test-predict-app-kernel.py - test in the kernel
testing.py - test for pytest
curl-request.sh - curl request
makefile - enviroment setup