
Integration with iPara. It wroten for open source.

Primary LanguageC#


Name Status
Tests Build and Tests
Nuget Published Deploy to NuGet


  • .Net Framework >= 4.5.2 -- Newtonsoft.Json >=
  • .Net Core - Feature


Honestly we had the job about iPara integration. When I check their github repository, I didn't like it. It may be understandable for new integration, but If you have an idea to integration for your each project, It’s not good idea because of It makes you a stressed man. So, I decided to create a library and that will be sharing as open source.


  • Get your private and publich key from iPara Portal.
  • Setup your environment in your code (like url, mode, publicKey, privateKey, version)
  • Get iParaClientConnection instance
  • Create request model
  • Use iParaClientAdapter dependency of your request model
  • Get the result!

Example Create Link Request

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
string baseUrl = "https://api.ipara.com/";
iParaConnectionMode mode = iParaConnectionMode.Test;
string version = "1.0";
using (var connection = new iParaClientConnection(baseUrl, publicKey, privateKey, mode, version))
    var model = new iParaLinkPaymentCreateRequest
        SendEmail = true,
        Name = "Kurtay",
        Surname = "Yılmaz",
        TaxNumber = "",
        ExpireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
        Gsm = "5397143516",
        /// Other required properties, like Email, ClientIp etc.
    model.SetAmount(10.50); //10,50 TL EURO DOLAR
    var adapter = new iParaLinkPaymentCreateAdapter(connection);
    var result = adapter.Execute(model);

Example Created Link List Request

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
string baseUrl = "https://api.ipara.com/";
iParaConnectionMode mode = iParaConnectionMode.Test;
string version = "1.0";
using (var connection = new iParaClientConnection(baseUrl, publicKey, privateKey, mode, version))
    string linkId = "iParaLinkPaymentCreateResponse.LinkPaymentId";
    var model = new iParaLinkPaymentListRequest
        PageSize = 15,
        PageIndex = 1,
        Email = "kurtayyilmaz@gmail.com",
        LinkId = linkId, //Optional
        LinkState = LinkState.LinkPaymentDone //Optional
        /// Other optional properties, like Email, GSM etc
    var adapter = new iParaLinkPaymentListAdapter(connection);
    var result = adapter.Execute(model);

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