
AspNetCore Markdown Documenting

Primary LanguageC#


This project provides markdown documentation for your .net core projects automaticly.

NuGet CodeFactor Gitmoji

How does it work ?

It's easy. Just place your markdown documents under Docs folder and go /Docs path in your project.

AspNet Core Markdown Documentation AspNet Core Markdown Documentation

How to start using ?

  • Install NuGet package.

  • Create a folder into your project root which name is Docs. And put your Markdown files under it. You can use Sub Folders to group them.

  • You must set your .md files Copy To Output Directory as Copy Always. To do this. Right click the markdown file and go Properties, then you'll see that option. Just change it.

    • Or you can add following code to your .csproj file in <Project> tags to apply it all files in /Docs folder:
              <None Update="Docs\**\*.md">
  • Go to Startup.cs and add following code to your ConfigureServices method:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddControllersWithViews(); // <-- Must be added Views into IoC. Also '.AddMvc' can be used too.

    services.AddDocumentation(); // Add this for default configuration.
  • Go to Startup.cs and add following code to your Configure method:
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
        app.UseDocumentation(); // < --- Add this for default configuration.


  • To Change Index Document
    app.UseDocumentation(builder =>
        // this makes ~/Docs/Welcome.md file as your landing page at "/" and "/Docs"

Custom links

  • Use AddCustomLink() and AddFooterLink() to add menu items into UseDocumentation() method in Startup.cs.


    app.UseDocumentation(builder =>
            // this adds link to footer
            .AddFooterLink(new Elements.CustomLink("See on NuGet", "https://www.nuget.org/packages/AspNetCore.MarkdownDocumenting/"))
            // this adds link to end of menu drawer.
            .AddCustomLink(new Elements.CustomLink("Swagger UI","/swagger"));


  • To Change Layout:
    app.UseDocumentation(builder =>
        builder.Layout = "/Shared/_Layout";
  • To Change Highlight.js theme:
    app.UseDocumentation(builder =>
        builder.HighlightJsStyle = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.13.1/styles/vs2015.min.css";   
  • To Change GetMdl theme:
    app.UseDocumentation(builder =>
        builder.GetMdlStyle = "https://code.getmdl.io/1.3.0/material.blue_grey-pink.min.css";   