
BOF for Kerberos abuse (an implementation of some important features of the Rubeus).

Primary LanguageC


Beacon Object Files for Kerberos abuse. This is an implementation of some important features of the Rubeus project, written in C. The project features integration with the C2 frameworks Cobalt Strike and Havoc.

Ticket requests and renewals


The asktgt action will build raw AS-REQ (TGT request) traffic for the specified user and encryption key (/rc4 or /aes256). A /password flag can also be used instead of a hash - in this case /enctype:X will default to RC4. If no /domain is specified, the computer's current domain is extracted, and if no /dc is specified the same is done for the system's current domain controller. If authentication is successful, the resulting AS-REP is parsed and the KRB-CRED (a .kirbi, which includes the user's TGT) is output as a base64 blob. The /ptt flag will "pass-the-ticket" and apply the resulting Kerberos credential to the current logon session. Also, another opsec note: only one TGT can be applied at a time to the current logon session, so the previous TGT is wiped when the new ticket is applied when using the /ptt option.

To form AS-REQ's more inline with genuine requests, the /opsec flag can be used, this will send an initial AS-REQ without pre-authentication first, if this succeeds, the resulting AS-REP is decrypted and TGT return, otherwise an AS-REQ with pre-authentication is then sent.

Requesting a TGT without a PAC can be done using the /nopac switch. The /nopreauth flag can be used to send an AS-REQ without pre-authentication.

krb_asktgt /user:USER /password:PASSWORD [/domain:DOMAIN] [/dc:DC] [/enctype:{rc4|aes256}] [/ptt] [/nopac] [/opsec]
krb_asktgt /user:USER /aes256:HASH [/domain:DOMAIN] [/dc:DC] [/ptt] [/nopac] [/opsec]
krb_asktgt /user:USER /rc4:HASH [/domain:DOMAIN] [/dc:DC] [/ptt] [/nopac]
krb_asktgt /user:USER /nopreauth [/domain:DOMAIN] [/dc:DC] [/ptt]


The asktgs action will build/parse a raw TGS-REQ/TGS-REP service ticket request using the specified TGT /ticket:X supplied. This value must be a base64 encoding of a .kirbi file. If a /dc is not specified, the computer's current domain controller is extracted and used as the destination for the request traffic. The /ptt flag will "pass-the-ticket" and apply the resulting service ticket to the current logon session. One or more /service:X SPNs must be specified, comma separated.

The supported encryption types in the constructed TGS-REQ will be RC4_HMAC and AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1. In this case, the highest mutually supported encryption will be used by the KDC to build the returned service ticket. If you want to force RC4 or AES256 keys, use /enctype:[rc4 or aes256].

To form TGS-REQ's more inline with genuine requests, the /opsec flag can be used, this will also cause an additional TGS-REQ to be sent automatically when a service ticket is requested for an account configured for unconstrained delegation.

The /u2u flag was implemented to request User-to-User tickets. Together with the /tgs:X argument (used to supply the target accounts TGT), the /service:X argument can be the username of the account the supplied TGT is for (with the /tgs:X argument). The /targetuser:X argument will request a PAC of any other account by inserting a PA-FOR-USER PA data section with the target user's username.

The /keyList flag was implemented for Kerberos Key List Requests. These requests must utilise a forged partial TGT from a read-only domain controller in the /ticket:BASE64 parameter. Furthermore, the /spn:x field must be set to the KRBTGT SPN within the domain, eg. KRBTBT/domain.local.

krb_asktgs /ticket:BASE64 /service:SPN1,SPN2,... [/domain:DOMAIN] [/dc:DC] [/tgs:BASE64] [/targetdomain:DOMAIN] [/targetuser:USER] [/enctype:{rc4|aes256}] [/ptt] [/keylist] [/u2u] [/opsec]


The renew action will build/parse a raw TGS-REQ/TGS-REP TGT renewal exchange using the specified /ticket:X supplied. This value must be a base64 encoding of a .kirbi file. If a /dc is not specified, the computer's current domain controller is extracted and used as the destination for the renewal traffic. The /ptt flag will "pass-the-ticket" and apply the resulting Kerberos credential to the current logon session.

krb_renew /ticket:BASE64 [/dc:DC] [/ptt]

Constrained delegation abuse

If a user (or computer) account is configured for constrained delegation (i.e. has a SPN value in its msds-allowedtodelegateto field) this action can be used to abuse access to the target SPN/server.

A TL;DR explanation is that an account with constrained delegation enabled is allowed to request tickets to itself as any user, in a process known as S4U2self. In order for an account to be allowed to do this, it has to have TrustedToAuthForDelegation enabled in it's useraccountcontrol property, something that only elevated users can modify by default. This ticket has the FORWARDABLE flag set by default. The service can then use this specially requested ticket to request a service ticket to any service principal name (SPN) specified in the account's msds-allowedtodelegateto field. So long story short, if you have control of an account with TrustedToAuthForDelegation set and a value in msds-allowedtodelegateto, you can pretend to be any user in the domain to the SPNs set in the account's msds-allowedtodelegateto field.

S4U2self ticket can then be used as a /tgs:Y parameter (base64 blob) to execute the S4U2proxy process. A valid msds-allowedtodelegateto value for the account must be supplied (/service:X).

The /altservice parameter allows us to substitute in any service name we want in the resulting KRB-CRED file. One or more alternate service names can be supplied, comma separated (/altservice:cifs,HOST,...).

To form the TGS-REQ's more inline with genuine requests, the /opsec flag can be used.

It is possible, in certain cirsumstances, to use an S4U2Self ticket to impersonate protected users in order to escalate privileges on the requesting system, as discussed here. For this purpose, the /self flag and /altservice:X argument can be used to generate a usable service ticket.

To forge an S4U2Self referral, only the trust key is required. By using the /targetdomain:X argument with the /self flag and without the /targetdc argument, it will treat the ticket supplied with /ticket:X as an S4U2Self referral and only request the final S4U2Self service ticket. The /altservice:X can also be used to rewrite the sname in the resulting ticket.

krb_s4u /ticket:BASE64 /service:SPN {/impersonateuser:USER | /tgs:BASE64} [/domain:DOMAIN] [/dc:DC] [/altservice:SERVICE] [/ptt] [/nopac] [/opsec] [/self]
krb_cross_s4u /ticket:BASE64 /service:SPN /targetdomain:DOMAIN /targetdc:DC {/impersonateuser:USER | /tgs:BASE64} [/domain:DOMAIN] [/dc:DC] [/altservice:SERVICE] [/nopac] [/self]

Ticket Management


The ptt action will submit a /ticket:X (TGT or service ticket) for the current logon session through the LsaCallAuthenticationPackage() API with a KERB_SUBMIT_TKT_REQUEST message, or (if elevated) to the logon session specified by /luid:ea4... Like other /ticket:X parameters, the value can be a base64 encoding of a .kirbi file.

krb_ptt /ticket:BASE64 [/luid:LOGONID]


The purge action will purge all Kerberos tickets from the current logon session, or (if elevated) to the logon session specified by /luid:0xA...

krb_purge [/luid:LOGONID]


The describe action takes a /ticket:X value (TGT or service ticket), parses it, and describes the values of the ticket. Like other /ticket:X parameters, the value can be a base64 encoding of a .kirbi file.

krb_describe /ticket:BASE64


The klist will list detailed information on the current user's logon session and Kerberos tickets, if not elevated. If run from an elevated context (SYSTEM), information on all logon sessions and associated Kerberos tickets is displayed. Logon and ticket information can be displayed for a specific LogonID with /luid:3ea.. (if elevated).

krb_klist [/luid:LOGINID] [/user:USER] [/service:SERVICE] [/client:CLIENT]


The dump action will extract current TGTs and service tickets if in an elevated context (SYSTEM). If not elevated, service tickets for the current user are extracted.

krb_dump [/luid:LOGINID] [/user:USER] [/service:SERVICE] [/client:CLIENT]


The triage action will output a table of the current user's Kerberos tickets, if not elevated. If run from an elevated context (SYSTEM), a table describing all Kerberos tickets on the system is displayed.

krb_triage [/luid:LOGINID] [/user:USER] [/service:SERVICE] [/client:CLIENT]


For the klist, triage and dump, tickets can be filtered by /luid, /service and /client.

Need SYSTEM context.


The tgtdeleg abuses the Kerberos GSS-API to retrieve a usable TGT for the current user without needing elevation on the host. AcquireCredentialsHandle() is used to get a handle to the current user's Kerberos security credentials, and InitializeSecurityContext() with the ISC_REQ_DELEGATE flag and a target SPN of CIFS/DC.domain.com to prepare a fake delegate context to send to the DC. This results in an AP-REQ in the GSS-API output that contains a KRB_CRED in the authenticator checksum. The service ticket session key is extracted from the local Kerberos cache and is used to decrypt the KRB_CRED in the authenticator, resulting in a usable TGT .kirbi.

If automatic target/domain extraction is failing, a known SPN of a service configured with unconstrained delegation can be specified with /target:SPN.

krb_tgtdeleg [/target:SPN]



The kerberoasting is used to request the appropriate service ticket. The /ticket:X argument specifies the domain user's TGT ticket. The /spn:X argument specifies the target SPN. The /domain and /dc arguments are optional and retrieve system defaults just like the other actions.

The /nopreauth:USER argument will attempt to send an AS-REQ with the service passed to /spn:Y to request service tickets.

krb_kerberoasting /spn:SPN [/nopreauth:USER] [/dc:DC] [/domain:DOMAIN]
krb_kerberoasting /spn:SPN /ticket:BASE64 [/dc:DC]


If a domain user does not have Kerberos preauthentication enabled, an AS-REP can be successfully requested for the user, and a component of the structure can be cracked offline a la kerberoasting. The /user:X argument specifies the target user. The /domain and /dc arguments are optional, pulling system defaults as other actions do.

krb_asreproasting /user:USER [/dc:DC] [/domain:DOMAIN]



The hash action will take a /password:X and optional /user:USER and/or /domain:DOMAIN. It will generate the rc4_hmac (NTLM) representation of the password. If user and domain names are specified, the aes128_cts_hmac_sha1 and aes256_cts_hmac_sha1 hash forms are generated. The user and domain names are used as salts for the AES implementations.

krb_hash /password:PASSWORD [/user:USER] [/domain:DOMAIN]


The changepw action will take a user's TGT .kirbi blob and execute a MS kpasswd password change with the specified /new:PASSWORD value. If a /dc is not specified, the computer's current domain controller is extracted and used as the destination for the password reset traffic.

The /targetuser and /targetdomain arguments can be used to change the password of other users, given the user whose TGT it is has enough privileges.

Note that either a users TGT or a service ticket for kadmin/changepw can be used to change the password

krb_changepw /ticket:BASE64 /new:PASSWORD [/dc:DC] [/targetuser:USER] [/targetdomain:DOMAIN]


  • Implement asktgt /cert:...
  • Refactoring code to reduce BOFs size
  • Expand the output of the describe
  • Integration with C2 Sliver and Brute Ratel
  • if you need anything, PM me to X or TG :)
