
Web component FFT Audio Analyser - ready for retina displays.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FFT Audio Analyser visuals ready for retina displays.

Note: Uses ResizeObserver. Polyfill it on your end.



Method Description Related media event
set analyser Set analyser to read data from.
start() Start the visuals drawing loop. play
stop() Stop the visuals drawing loop. pause / ended
Attribute Description
color Sets the color of the visual.


Install audio-visualiser via npm or import it in your ES module supported browser with import 'https://unpkg.com/audio-visualiser?module';

Create an AnalyserNode and connect it to by calling the setter analyser on the instance of the custom element. document.querySelector('audio-visualiser').analyser = yourAnalyserNode;. For a little live demo of this you can check out https://enjikaka.github.io/audio-visualiser/. Open dev tools or view-source to see how the tag is set up to the analyser via createMediaElementSource.